


In computing, a transaction refers to a series of operations performed as a single unit, executed in an atomic and isolated manner, ensuring that data integrity and consistency are maintained throughout the process. By guaranteeing that a transaction either completes successfully or is cancelled without partial execution, the system ensures data reliability and prevents data loss.

What does Transaction mean?

In computing, a transaction is a logical Unit of work that is performed atomically, meaning it is either completed in its entirety or not at all. Transactions are used to maintain the integrity of data in a database or other persistent Storage system.

A transaction typically consists of a series of operations, such as reading data from a table, updating data in a table, or deleting data from a table. All of the operations in a transaction must be completed successfully in order for the transaction to commit. If any of the operations fail, the entire transaction is aborted and the database is rolled back to its previous state.

Transactions are essential for maintaining data integrity because they ensure that data is only modified in a consistent way. For example, if a transaction is used to Transfer money from one account to another, the transaction will only be committed if both the withdrawal from the first account and the deposit into the second account are successful. If either of these operations fails, the transaction will be aborted and the money will not be transferred.


Transactions are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Database management systems: Transactions are used to ensure the integrity of data in databases. They guarantee that data is only modified in a consistent way, and that if any operation fails, the database is rolled back to its previous state.
  • Financial systems: Transactions are used to ensure the integrity of financial transactions. They guarantee that money is only transferred from one account to another if both the withdrawal and the deposit are successful.
  • E-commerce systems: Transactions are used to ensure the integrity of online purchases. They guarantee that the customer’s payment is only processed if the order is successfully placed.


The concept of transactions was first developed in the 1970s by Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter. They realized that transactions were essential for maintaining the integrity of data in database systems. The first transaction-based database management system, System R, was developed at IBM in the 1970s.

Transactions have become increasingly important in recent years as businesses have become More reliant on data. Today, transactions are used in a wide variety of applications, including database management systems, financial systems, and e-commerce systems.