Manchester Mark 1


Manchester Mark 1

The Manchester Mark 1, constructed in 1943, was the first electronic computer to run a stored program, utilizing a cathode ray tube memory system. This influential innovation laid the conceptual groundwork for the development of modern computers.

What does Manchester Mark 1 mean?

The Manchester Mark 1, also known as the Manchester Electronic Computer, was the first stored-program computer in the world. It was designed by Frederic C. Williams, Tom Kilburn, and Geoff Tootill at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and became operational in 1949. The Mark 1 was a milestone in the development of computer technology and laid the foundation for modern computers.

The Mark 1 was a binary computer with a 32-bit word length and a memory of 96 words. It used a Williams-Kilburn tube as its main memory, which was a novel technology at the time. The Mark 1 also featured a cathode-ray tube (CRT) display and a paper tape reader/punch for input and output.


The Manchester Mark 1 was not specifically designed for any particular application, but it was used for a Variety of scientific and engineering calculations. Notable uses include:

  • Solving complex mathematical equations
  • Simulating physical systems
  • Breaking ciphers and codes
  • Playing games, such as chess and checkers

The Mark 1 also played a significant role in the development of programming languages. In particular, it was used to create the Manchester Mark 1 Autocode, which was one of the first assemblers.


The Manchester Mark 1 was the result of several years of research and development by Williams, Kilburn, and Tootill. They began working on the project in 1946, inspired by the earlier work of John von Neumann on the idea of a stored-program computer.

The Mark 1 was not without its problems. It was unreliable and difficult to program. However, it proved the feasibility of the stored-program computer concept and paved the way for the development of more advanced computers.

In 1951, the Mark 1 was replaced by the Manchester Mark 2, which was a much more powerful and reliable computer. The Mark 2 was used for a variety of applications, including the development of the first commercial compiler.

The Manchester Mark 1 is considered to be one of the most important milestones in the history of computing. It was the first stored-program computer and helped to establish the basic Architecture of modern computers. The Mark 1 also played a significant role in the development of programming languages and Artificial Intelligence.