


Less is a Unix command-line utility that displays the contents of a text file one page at a time. It is similar to the more command, but it has more features, such as the ability to search for text, scroll backward, and change the display width.

What does Less mean?

Less is a dynamic style sheet language used to design, create, and maintain style sheets. It extends the functionality of CSS, providing advanced and flexible features that enhance the control and customization of document presentation. Less is a pre-processor that converts its code into CSS, Enabling developers to utilize a more concise and readable syntax and incorporate dynamic functionality into their style sheets.

Less extends CSS by introducing variables, mixins, operations, and functions. Variables allow the assignment of values to named identifiers, providing a convenient way to store and reuse common values throughout a style sheet. Mixins are reusable code blocks that can be included in multiple places, reducing code duplication and promoting consistency. Operations and functions enable the manipulation of values and the creation of complex effects and animations.

The primary goal of Less is to simplify and streamline the development of complex and maintainable style sheets. By providing powerful and intuitive features, Less empowers developers to create visually appealing and dynamic web pages efficiently and effectively.


Less finds widespread application in Modern web development, particularly in large-Scale projects involving complex styling requirements. Here are some key applications:

  • Modularization of Style Sheets: Less facilitates the organization and division of style sheets into smaller, manageable modules, improving code readability and maintainability.
  • Dynamic Styling: Less enables the creation of dynamic style sheets that can respond to user interactions or changes in the application state, enhancing the user experience.
  • Cross-Device Compatibility: Less simplifies the creation of Responsive style sheets that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring optimal user experience across multiple platforms.
  • Theme Switching: Less simplifies the implementation of theme switching, allowing users to change the appearance of a website or application with ease, catering to diverse preferences.
  • Reduced Code Redundancy: Less eliminates the need for repetitive coding by providing variables, mixins, and functions, reducing code duplication and minimizing maintenance costs.


Less was initially developed by Alexis Sellier in 2009. It was born out of the need for a more flexible and powerful CSS pre-processor that could address the limitations of CSS. The First version of Less was released in 2009, with subsequent versions introducing new features and enhancements.

Over the years, Less has gained significant popularity and adoption within the web development community. It is supported by a large and active ecosystem, including tooling, documentation, and community resources. Less has played a significant role in shaping the evolution of web development, enabling the creation of more complex and sophisticated web interfaces.

Today, Less remains a widely used and respected pre-processor, although it has faced competition from newer technologies such as Sass and Stylus. Despite this, Less continues to be a valuable tool in the hands of developers seeking advanced and flexible style sheet capabilities.