


FIRST (First In, First Out) is a data structure where the first element added is the first to be processed, ensuring that items are processed in the order they were received. This contrasts with the Last In, First Out (LIFO) approach, where the last item added is processed first.

What does First mean?

In computing, “First” refers to a function or operator That returns the first element of a data structure, such as a list, array, or queue. It is commonly used in programming languages and applications to access the initial value of a sequence or collection.

The syntax of the First function varies depending on the programming Language. In Python, for example, the first element of a list can be accessed using the following syntax:

first_element = my_list[0]

In C++, the std::begin() function can be used to obtain an iterator to the first element of a container:

auto first_element = std::begin(my_vector);

The First function is essential for accessing and manipulating data in various programming contexts. It allows developers to efficiently Retrieve the initial element of a data structure, facilitating operations such as list traversal, data retrieval, and comparison.


The First function finds widespread application in various technological domains, including:

  • Data Structures: First is commonly used to Initialize iterators and traverse data structures in a sequential manner. For example, in a linked list, the First function can be used to obtain the Head node, allowing for efficient traversal and access to subsequent elements.

  • Algorithms: First plays a crucial role in algorithms that operate on sequences of data. For instance, in sorting algorithms like Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort, First is used to compare and swap elements in the correct order.

  • Programming Paradigms: The First function is fundamental in functional programming, where it supports the concept of pattern matching and list comprehensions. It enables concise and declarative code for processing sequences of data.

  • Databases: In database management systems, First is used to retrieve the first row or record from a table. This is useful for fetching initial data or implementing pagination features in user interfaces.


The concept of First emerged early in the history of computing. In the 1950s, programming languages such as LISP and Lisp II introduced functions like car and cdr, which were precursors to the First function. These functions allowed programmers to access the first and remaining elements of a list, respectively.

隨著編程語言的發展,First 功能被納入更廣泛的語言中,例如 Perl、Python、Java 和 C++。它已成為當代編程的基石,為開發人員提供了一種強大的工具來操作和處理順序數據。