Layer 2


Layer 2

Layer 2 protocols operate above the data link layer, extending the functionality of Layer 1 and enabling the creation of virtual networks or subnetworks for enhanced security and performance. They provide mechanisms for network segmentation, traffic isolation, and improved scalability without requiring changes to the underlying physical infrastructure.

Layer 2: A Bridge to Scalability and Efficiency

What does Layer 2 mean?

Layer 2 (L2) refers to a protocol or technology built on top of a blockchain Network, providing additional features and functionalities while maintaining the security and decentralization of the underlying blockchain. It acts as a secondary layer, operating independently of the base blockchain, and is typically used to improve scalability, speed up transactions, and reduce network congestion.

L2 solutions are designed to address the limitations of Layer 1 (L1) blockchains, which often have limited transaction throughput and high transaction fees due to their inherent decentralized nature. By offloading certain tasks and computations to L2, the overall performance and efficiency of the blockchain network are significantly enhanced.

Technically, L2 protocols communicate with the L1 blockchain through SMART contracts deployed on the main chain. Transactions are processed and validated on L2 before being settled back onto the L1 blockchain for final confirmation and security. This layered approach allows L2 protocols to handle a much higher volume of transactions than L1 could on its own, thereby increasing the scalability and reducing the latency of the entire network.


L2 solutions are particularly valuable in applications where scalability, speed, and cost are crucial. Some key application areas include:

  • Payment Systems: L2 enables faster and cheaper transactions, making it ideal for digital payments, microtransactions, and payment gateways.

  • Gaming and NFTs: L2 facilitates rapid and low-cost in-game transactions, NFT trading, and other gaming-related activities.

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): L2 protocols enhance the speed and affordability of DeFi transactions, allowing users to participate in yield farming, lending, and other DeFi protocols with minimal fees.

  • Social Media: L2 solutions can support decentralized social media platforms where users have control over their data and interactions occur off-chain for improved privacy and efficiency.


The concept of L2 solutions originated with the advent of the Lightning Network for Bitcoin in 2015. Since then, numerous L2 protocols have emerged, each offering specific features and optimizations.

  • Early L2s (2015-2020): The first L2 solutions focused on payment channels and off-chain transaction processing, such as the Lightning Network and Raiden Network.

  • Advanced L2s (2020-Present): More sophisticated L2 protocols have been developed, incorporating concepts like rollups and optimistic rollups. Rollups bundle multiple transactions into a single L1 transaction, while optimistic rollups assume transactions are valid unless proven otherwise, further increasing transaction throughput.

  • Cross-Chain L2s: Recent L2 solutions have emerged that facilitate Interoperability between different blockchains, enabling the transfer of assets and execution of transactions across multiple chains.