Late Binding


Late Binding

Late binding refers to the process of deferring the binding of a method call to an object until runtime, allowing for greater flexibility and dynamic behavior in an application. Unlike early binding, it does not require the class of the object to be known at compile time.

What does Late Binding mean?

In computer programming, late binding refers to the process of deferring the linking of a function call to its implementation until runtime. This is in contrast to early binding, which occurs at Compile time. Late binding is commonly used in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) languages to enable dynamic method invocation, where the method to be called is not known until runtime.

During early binding, the compiler determines the specific implementation of a function call based on the static type of the object. This has the advantage of being faster and more efficient, as the compiler can optimize the code accordingly. However, it also limits flexibility, as the specific implementation is fixed at compile time.

Late binding, on the other hand, allows for greater flexibility by postponing the binding of a function call until runtime. This means that the specific implementation of a function can be determined based on the dynamic type of the object at runtime, providing more flexibility and adaptability.


Late binding plays a crucial role in OOP, particularly in languages that support dynamic dispatch, such as Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. It allows objects to interact with each other in a flexible manner, regardless of their specific types. This is particularly useful in situations where the specific type of an object may not be known or may vary dynamically.

One key application of late binding is polymorphism, which enables objects of different types to respond to the same method call in different ways. This is achieved by overriding methods in subclasses, where each subclass can provide its own implementation of a specific method. Late binding allows the correct method implementation to be invoked at runtime based on the dynamic type of the object.


The concept of late binding emerged in the early days of OOP. In the 1960s, Simula, the first OOP language, introduced the concept of “virtual methods” to support dynamic dispatch. This allowed objects of different types to implement the same method with different behaviors.

Over the years, late binding gained prominence in various OOP languages. In the 1980s, languages like Smalltalk and Eiffel further developed the concept of late binding, introducing features such as message passing and inheritance. Modern OOP languages like Java, C#, and Python widely utilize late binding to support object-oriented design and dynamic method invocation.