


An interrupt is a signal sent to a computer’s processor that halts the current instruction and directs it to execute a different, higher-priority instruction. Interrupts allow the processor to respond immediately to urgent events, such as hardware failures or user input.

What does Interrupt mean?

An interrupt can generally be described as a signal sent to a processor by a device or component, triggering the processor to pause its current operation and execute a dedicated program segment, often known as an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).

Interrupt enables the processor to respond promptly to various Hardware and Software events, offering significant benefits in the realm of computing:

  • Real-time processing: Interrupts offer low-latency responses to external events, facilitating real-time processing systems.
  • Improved efficiency: By promptly handling external events, the processor avoids wasting time waiting for slower input/output operations.
  • Increased flexibility: Interrupts provide a way for devices and components to communicate with the processor, enhancing the system’s adaptability to various needs.
  • Enhanced responsiveness: Interrupt enables the processor to Handle multiple tasks simultaneously, resulting in a more responsive and user-friendly system.
  • Error Handling: Interrupts can be used to signal errors or exceptions, enabling the system to react promptly and implement appropriate error recovery mechanisms.


Interrupt finds paramount application in diverse technological domains:

  • Operating systems: Interrupts play a crucial role in the operation of computer operating systems. They facilitate low-latency device and application handling, enabling multitasking, resource management, and error handling.
  • Input/output devices: Interrupt is employed to signal the processor when input/output devices, such as keyboards, mice, and printers, require attention. This allows the processor to handle input/output operations efficiently, improving system performance.
  • Networking: Interrupt signals are utilized to notify the processor of incoming network data, enabling the timely handling of network traffic and ensuring efficient communication.
  • Embedded systems: Interrupts are critical in embedded systems, where real-time responsiveness is imperative. They enable the system to respond promptly to external events, ensuring the proper functioning of embedded devices.
  • Virtualization: Interrupt is leveraged in virtualization environments to facilitate seamless communication between guest operating systems and the underlying hardware resources, allowing multiple operating systems to run concurrently on a single physical machine.


The concept of interrupt emerged in the early computing era. In the 1950s, computer architecture pioneers such as Maurice Wilkes and David Wheeler introduced the idea of interrupting normal program execution to handle external events.

  • 1951: Maurice Wilkes developed the concept of interrupt in the EDSAC computer, introducing the notion of suspending program execution upon the occurrence of specific hardware events.
  • 1954: David Wheeler’s pioneering work on the Manchester Mark I computer expanded the concept of interrupt to include software-generated interrupts, enabling program-level control over interrupt handling.
  • 1960s: Interrupts became a fundamental feature in computer architecture, incorporated into processor designs and programming languages.
  • 1970s: The introduction of microprocessors led to widespread adoption of interrupts in embedded systems, where real-time responsiveness was paramount.
  • 1980s-present: Interrupts have evolved alongside the advancement of computing technology, finding applications in multitasking operating systems, networking, virtual machines, and a myriad of embedded systems.