


A handle in computer technology refers to a unique identifier assigned to a system resource or object, typically consisting of a string or number, allowing the system to reference and access that specific resource efficiently. It provides a direct and convenient way to manipulate and manage resources within an operating system or application.

What does Handle mean?

In the realm of technology, a handle refers to an alias or pseudonym used by an individual or entity to represent their identity within a digital environment. It serves as a unique identifier that distinguishes users within various platforms, applications, and Online communities. Handles typically consist of a combination of alphanumeric characters, special characters, or emoji and can be customized to reflect the user’s personality, preferences, or purpose.

Handles serve two Primary functions:

  1. Identification: They allow users to be distinguishable from others, enabling easier communication and recognition within online spaces.

  2. Privacy: Handles provide a level of anonymity by masking the user’s real identity, protecting personal information from potential threats or unwanted attention.

The concept of handles has been widely adopted across diverse technological domains, including Social Media, gaming, online forums, and messaging platforms.


Handles play a crucial role in enhancing user experiences and fostering online interactions in various technological applications:

  1. Social Media: Handles are fundamental to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where users interact through their chosen handles, building their online presence and communicating with others.

  2. Gaming: In online gaming, handles serve as unique identifiers for players, representing their characters and facilitating competition, collaboration, and socialization within virtual worlds.

  3. Online Forums: Handles enable users to participate in discussions and engage with others on online forums, offering a sense of anonymity and an equal platform for exchanging ideas.

  4. Messaging Platforms: Messaging applications like WhatsApp and Telegram utilize handles to identify users, ensuring the secure and convenient exchange of messages and multimedia content.


The concept of handles originated from the early days of the internet, where users sought ways to express their identities while maintaining anonymity.

  1. BBS (Bulletin Board Systems): In the 1980s, Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) allowed users to connect and communicate through dial-up modems. Handles were used as unique identifiers to facilitate message exchanges and discussion threads.

  2. IRC (Internet Relay Chat): IRC, a text-based chat protocol, emerged in the late 1980s. It popularized the use of handles as nicknames for users, enabling them to engage in real-time conversations while safeguarding their privacy.

  3. Online Gaming: The rise of online gaming in the 1990s further propelled the adoption of handles. Players assumed digital personas represented by their chosen handles, fostering a sense of community and competition within virtual environments.

  4. Social Media: With the advent of social media platforms in the early 2000s, handles became ubiquitous for user identification and online interactions. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter introduced unique handles to identify individual accounts and facilitate social connections.