


Inheritance is an object-oriented programming concept where a new class (subclass) inherits the properties, methods, and behaviors of an existing class (superclass), allowing the subclass to extend and customize the functionality of the superclass.

What does Inheritance mean?

Inheritance in computer science is a fundamental concept in Object-Oriented programming languages. It refers to the mechanism by which a new class can inherit the properties and methods of an existing class. The new class, known as a Derived Class or child class, acquires the capabilities of the parent class, allowing for code reuse and easier class extensions.

Inheritance establishes a hierarchical relationship between classes, where the child class inherits the members and implementation of the parent class. This inherited functionality can be modified or extended in the child class, enabling the creation of more specialized and unique classes. The parent class serves as a base from which the child class builds upon, inheriting its core functionalities and then customizing them as needed.


Inheritance is widely used in object-oriented programming due to its numerous benefits. It promotes code reusability, reduces development time, and enhances flexibility. By inheriting common functionalities from a parent class, child classes can focus on implementing specific behaviors without redefining core functionality. This modular approach simplifies code maintenance and promotes consistency throughout the application.

Inheritance also fosters extensibility, allowing for the creation of new classes with specialized features that extend the capabilities of existing classes. By inheriting the base class’s foundation, child classes can leverage and modify its implementation, creating more complex and tailored functionalities. Inheritance enables the creation of class hierarchies that model real-world relationships, providing a structured and Extensible framework for organizing code and facilitating code readability.


The concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming has evolved over time. The idea was first introduced in Simula 67, one of the earliest object-oriented programming languages. The language allowed for the creation of classes that could inherit properties and methods from other classes, establishing the foundation for inheritance in object-oriented programming.

Later, inheritance was refined and popularized in languages like Smalltalk and C++. Smalltalk’s emphasis on object-oriented principles, including inheritance, influenced the development of later object-oriented languages. C++, while initially lacking inheritance, introduced virtual inheritance, allowing for more flexible and complex class hierarchies.

Modern programming languages embrace inheritance as a fundamental concept. Java, Python, C#, and many others support inheritance, making it a cornerstone of object-oriented programming. These languages provide built-in support for creating class hierarchies with inheritance, enabling developers to leverage its benefits for code reuse, extensibility, and encapsulation.