


‘.do’ is a file extension commonly used for PHP applications or scripts, indicating that the file contains code written in the PHP programming language. It enables the execution of PHP code on web servers.

What does .do mean?

“.do” is an Extension primarily used in Domain Name System (DNS) to signify a domain name that is dedicated to a specific function or application. It is often encountered in URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to indicate a particular action or service associated with a website. For instance, a URL like “example.com/products.do” implies that the “.do” extension designates the page responsible for displaying product information.

Technically, “.do” serves as a pseudo-Top-Level Domain (pseudo-TLD), meaning it is not an official TLD designated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Instead, it is a custom extension typically managed by the organization or individual owning the domain name. This allows website owners to create custom subdomains for specific purposes without having to register a new domain name.


The “.do” extension plays a vital role in modern web development and has several key applications:

  • Action Invocation: “.do” is commonly utilized to trigger specific actions or processes on a website. For example, “example.com/submit.do” may be used to submit a form, While “example.com/delete.do” could initiate a deletion operation.

  • Service Invocation: It enables the invocation of specific services or functions within a website. For instance, “example.com/api.do” might be used to access the website’s Application Programming Interface (API).

  • Resource Identification: “.do” can be used to identify specific resources or files on a website. For instance, “example.com/files.do” may point to a directory containing downloadable files.

  • Dynamic Content Management: It allows for the creation of dynamic content that is generated on demand, such as search results or personalized recommendations. For example, “example.com/search.do?query=Keyword” could return a list of search results based on the provided keyword.


The “.do” extension emerged in the early days of web development as a way to organize and categorize different sections of a website. Initially, it was used to indicate domain names dedicated to specific tasks or functions, such as “www.example.com/support.do” for Customer Support.

Over time, as websites became more complex and dynamic, the “.do” extension gained wider adoption for its flexibility and ease of use. It allowed developers to create custom subdomains for specific purposes without having to register new domain names.

In recent years, the use of “.do” has become less common as more standardized approaches to web development have emerged. However, it is still encountered in legacy applications and websites that follow older development practices.