


A keyword in computing is a significant word or phrase used in searching or indexing content, helping users locate relevant information by matching user queries with specific terms. It is a critical element in optimizing search results for websites and other digital platforms.

What does Keyword mean?

In technology, a keyword refers to a significant term or phrase associated with a specific topic. It plays a vital role in representing the core concepts or ideas related to a content or resource. Keywords are used in various fields, including Search Engine optimization (SEO), data analysis, natural language processing (NLP), and information retrieval.

In the context of SEO, keywords are the specific terms that users enter into search engines to find information. Websites and content creators optimize their content by incorporating relevant keywords to improve search engine ranking and visibility. By aligning their content with the keywords that users are searching for, they can increase the likelihood of their content appearing in search results.


Keywords find extensive applications in technology today, primarily in the fields of:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Keywords are the cornerstone of SEO, guiding search engines in understanding the content and context of a Website or document. They help search engines Index and categorize content effectively, enabling users to find relevant information more easily.
  • Data Analysis: In data analysis, keywords serve as filters and search terms. They allow analysts to extract insights from large datasets by identifying patterns and trends associated with specific keywords. For instance, in market research, companies may analyze keyword data to understand consumer preferences and behavior.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Keywords play a significant role in NLP, where computers interact with human language. NLP algorithms use keywords to identify and extract relevant information, categorize text, and perform sentiment analysis. This enables computers to better understand and respond to human communication.
  • Information Retrieval: Keywords are crucial in information retrieval systems. They are used as search terms to locate specific documents, articles, or data points from vast databases. By incorporating relevant keywords, users can efficiently access the information they seek.


The concept of keywords has its roots in the early days of information retrieval. In the 1950s, researchers began experimenting with automated systems for organizing and searching large collections of documents. One of the challenges was developing a way to represent the content of each document concisely.

In 1958, Hans Peter Luhn introduced the concept of “keywords” in his paper “Keyword-in-Context Index for Technical Literature.” Luhn proposed using keywords to represent the main topics discussed in a document. This approach enabled search engines to index documents based on keywords and allowed users to retrieve documents relevant to specific keywords.

Over the years, the use of keywords has evolved with advancements in computing and information technology. In the 1990s, the rise of the World Wide Web and search engines made keywords even more important for content discovery and retrieval. Today, keywords are an integral part of various technological applications, from SEO to NLP and information retrieval.