


“Command+7” is a keyboard shortcut used on Apple computers to display the System Information window, which provides detailed information about the computer’s hardware, software, and network settings. This shortcut is commonly used by technicians and developers to troubleshoot and maintain Mac systems.

What does Command+7 mean?

The keyboard shortcut “Command+7” refers to simultaneously pressing the “Command” key (typically labeled with the Apple logo ⌘) and the number “7” key on Apple Macintosh computers running the macOS operating system. This shortcut is primarily Associated with one of the following predefined actions, depending on the active application and context:

  • Open Help Menu: In many macOS applications, “Command+7” triggers the Help menu, providing access to Documentation, tutorials, and support options.
  • Display System Preferences: When pressed on the desktop, “Command+7” opens the System Preferences utility, which allows users to configure various system settings and preferences.
  • Move to Specified Window: In certain applications, such as Finder and Mail, “Command+7” can be used to quickly move to a specific window or tab that is open but may not be currently visible.

It’s important to note that the functionality of “Command+7” may vary depending on the specific application being used. In some applications, this shortcut may not be assigned to any action, while in others it may have a completely different function.


“Command+7” is a widely used keyboard shortcut that serves various essential purposes within macOS:

  • Productivity Booster: By quickly accessing the Help menu with “Command+7”, users can swiftly Find information or assistance for any application or feature, enhancing overall productivity.
  • Efficient System Management: This shortcut provides a convenient way to open System Preferences, where users can centrally manage various aspects of their operating system and customize settings according to their preferences.
  • Enhanced Workflow: In applications like Finder and Mail, “Command+7” empowers users to streamline their workflow by swiftly switching between multiple windows or tabs.


The origin of “Command+7” as a keyboard shortcut can be traced back to the early days of the Macintosh platform. The original Macintosh, released in 1984, featured a limited number of keyboard shortcuts, but “Command+7” was not among them.

With the introduction of the Finder in System 1, the file management utility for macOS, the “Command+7” shortcut gained prominence. In System 1, pressing “Command+7” would open a help window for the Finder. This functionality remained consistent throughout the early versions of macOS, including System 6 and System 7.

In macOS 8, released in 1997, the functionality of “Command+7” was expanded to open the System Preferences utility. This was a significant addition, as it provided users with a centralized location to configure various system settings.

Since then, “Command+7” has become a ubiquitous keyboard shortcut in macOS, firmly entrenched in the muscle Memory of countless users. It remains an essential productivity tool, providing quick access to help resources, system preferences, and efficient window management.