


Associated in computer technology refers to a relationship between two or more entities, typically data or objects, that are linked together and can be accessed or manipulated collectively. This association enables efficient management, sharing, and retrieval of information within a system.

What does Associated mean?

In the realm of technology, the term “associated” holds significant importance. It refers to a relationship between two or more data entities, typically in the context of databases, computer networks, or other structured data systems. An association signifies that there is a meaningful connection between the entities, where one entity can BE related to or linked to one or more other entities.

The concept of association is fundamental in data modeling, enabling the organization and representation of data in a logical and structured manner. It allows for the establishment of relationships between different data items, creating a semantic structure that reflects the real-world relationships between the entities in the system. By associating data entities, it becomes possible to navigate and retrieve information more efficiently, facilitating comprehensive data analysis and retrieval.


The concept of association finds widespread application in various technology domains, including:

  • Databases: In relational database management systems (RDBMS), associations are modeled using primary and foreign keys. A primary key uniquely identifies a row in a table, while a foreign key references the primary key of another table, establishing a relationship between the rows in the two tables. This association enables efficient data retrieval and ensures data integrity.
  • Computer Networks: In network protocols, associations are used to establish and maintain communication channels between network nodes. Each association represents a connection between two or more devices, defining the rules and parameters for data exchange. Associations in computer networks are crucial for ensuring reliable and secure communication.
  • Data Structures: In data structures, associations are used to organize and relate different data elements within a single structure. For instance, in a linked list, each node is associated with a Previous and/or next node, forming a chain-like structure. Associations in data structures enhance data traversal and manipulation.


The concept of association in technology has evolved alongside the advancements in data management and computer science. The roots of associations can be traced back to the early days of database theory, where researchers recognized the need for representing relationships between data entities.

In the 1970s, the concept of entity-relationship modeling (ERM) emerged as a way to formally describe the relationships between entities in a database. ERM introduced the concept of primary and foreign keys, Which form the basis for associations in relational databases.

Since then, the concept of association has been extended and refined in various contexts, including network protocols, data structures, and object-oriented programming. It has become an indispensable concept in technology Today, enabling the efficient and meaningful organization and manipulation of data.