Bitmap image


Bitmap image

A bitmap image, also known as a raster image, is a graphical format composed of an array of pixels, where each pixel is represented by a specific color and position within the image. Bitmap images are typically used in applications where precise control over individual pixels is required, such as image editing and digital painting.

What does Bitmap image Mean?

Bitmap image, often abbreviated as BMP, is a type of raster Graphics image format that stores image data in a grid of pixels. Each pixel is represented by a single bit, with the resulting binary pattern forming the image. Bitmap images are therefore considered monochromatic, meaning they can only Display two colors (usually black and white).

BMP was developed by Microsoft in the 1980s as part of the Windows operating system. It was initially used to store low-resolution graphics in applications such as Microsoft Paint. However, BMP has since become a widely recognized format for storing and displaying digital images.

BMP images are typically large in file size due to their uncompressed format. However, they also offer the Advantage of being platform-independent and easily viewable on any device with a graphics display.


Bitmap images are commonly used in a variety of applications today, including:

  • Image editing and manipulation: BMP is a popular format for storing images in image editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop and GIMP. It allows for easy editing and manipulation of individual pixels.
  • Web graphics: BMP images can be used as web graphics, although they are not as efficient as other formats such as JPEG and PNG due to their large file size.
  • Document imaging: BMP is often used for storing scanned documents and images in document management systems.
  • Medical imaging: BMP is used for storing and displaying medical images such as X-rays and MRI scans.
  • Computer graphics: BMP is sometimes used as a format for storing computer graphics images, such as 3D models and textures.


The development of bitmap images can be traced back to the early days of computer graphics. In the 1950s and 1960s, researchers at Bell Labs and other institutions began experimenting with ways to represent images digitally.

One of the key early developments was the raster scan display, which allowed for the display of images on a computer screen by converting them into a grid of pixels. This paved the way for the development of bitmap images as a means of storing and displaying digital images.

In the 1970s and 1980s, bitmap images became increasingly popular with the advent of personal computers and the development of graphic user interfaces (GUIs). BMP was one of the First bitmap image formats to be widely adopted, and it remains a popular format today.