


Big-Endian is a computer architecture where the most significant byte of a multi-byte integer value is stored first, with subsequent bytes in decreasing significance order. This is in contrast to Little-Endian, where the least significant byte is stored first.

What does Big-Endian mean?

“Big-Endian” refers to a specific method of storing multi-Byte data values in computer memory, where the most significant byte (MSB) is stored in the lowest memory address. This arrangement is often referred to as “MSB first” or “network byte order.”

In a big-endian system, the bytes of a multi-byte data value are stored in decreasing order of significance. For example, a 4-byte integer value in little-endian Format would be stored as follows:

[MSB] [Byte 2] [Byte 3] [LSB]

In big-endian format, the same integer would be stored as follows:

[LSB] [Byte 3] [Byte 2] [MSB]

This means that the most significant byte (MSB) of the integer would be located at the lowest memory address, followed by the next most significant byte, and so on.


Big-endian byte order is widely used in various technological applications:

  • Networking: Many network protocols, including TCP/IP and UDP, use big-endian byte order for data transmission. This ensures that multi-byte data values are interpreted consistently across different network devices, regardless of their internal byte order.

  • Data Storage: Certain file formats, such as the Common Interchange Format (CIF), use big-endian byte order for storing data. This allows for cross-platform compatibility, as different operating systems and applications may have different byte order preferences.

  • Hardware Design: Some hardware architectures, such as the Motorola 68000 series, use big-endian byte order for memory addressing and data manipulation. This choice simplifies hardware design and improves performance for certain types of operations.


The term “big-endian” was first coined by Jonathan Swift in his satirical novel “Gulliver’s Travels” (1726). In the book, he describes two rival factions, the Big-Endians and the Little-Endians, who wage a war over which end of an egg should be cracked open.

In Computer Science, the concept of big-endian vs. little-endian byte order emerged in the early days of computing. Different computer architectures adopted different byte order conventions, leading to compatibility issues between different machines.

Over time, standards have been developed to promote interoperability. For example, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) defines big-endian byte order as the standard for network communication. As a result, big-endian byte order has become widely adopted in networking and other applications where cross-platform compatibility is crucial.