

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol that allows a program to call a subroutine or function that is located on another computer, transparently to the programmer. It enables the execution of code on a remote system as if it were running locally.

What does RPC mean?

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a technique in distributed computing that allows a computer program to call a procedure or function that is located on another computer in the network. It enables communication between different processes or applications running on separate machines, allowing them to interact as if they were running on the same computer.

The RPC mechanism involves a client-server architecture, where the client initiates the call and the server executes the requested procedure. The client sends a request message, Which includes the name of the procedure to be invoked, the parameters or arguments to be passed, and a unique Identifier to track the request. The server receives the request, executes the procedure, and returns a response message, which contains the result of the procedure call or an error message if there is a problem.

RPC allows multiple clients to access and utilize services or resources provided by the server, fostering collaboration and resource sharing within distributed systems. It facilitates the development of modular and scalable applications, where different components or services can be distributed across multiple computers, ensuring efficient and flexible computing environments.


RPC plays a crucial role in several applications and technologies:

  1. Distributed Computing: RPC enables the creation of distributed applications where components or services are distributed across multiple computers in a network. It allows these components to communicate and collaborate as if they were running on the same machine, simplifying application Design and maintenance.

  2. Cloud Computing: In cloud computing environments, RPC is leveraged to provide access to services and resources from remote locations. Users can interact with cloud-based applications and services without the need for local infrastructure, ensuring scalability and cost-effectiveness.

  3. Microservices Architecture: RPC is a key enabler of microservices architecture, where applications are decomposed into small, independent, and loosely coupled services. RPC facilitates communication between these microservices, allowing them to interact efficiently and dynamically.

  4. Middleware Technologies: RPC serves as the foundation for middleware technologies such as CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model), which provide standardized mechanisms for RPC-based communication between software components.

  5. Operating Systems: RPC is used within operating systems to facilitate communication between different processes running on the same computer. It provides a convenient and efficient way for processes to share resources and perform tasks collaboratively.


The concept of RPC emerged in the 1980s as a way to enhance communication between processes in distributed systems. Early RPC implementations were developed for the Xerox Courier and Apollo/Domain systems, laying the groundwork for RPC as we know it today.

In 1984, Sun Microsystems introduced Sun RPC, which became a widely adopted implementation of RPC in the Unix environment. It defined a standard protocol and data representation for RPC communication, enabling interoperability between different systems.

Over the years, RPC has evolved with the advancements in networking and distributed computing. New protocols and standards have been developed, such as XML-RPC and JSON-RPC, to support RPC over different communication channels and data formats.

Modern RPC frameworks and tools, such as gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) and Apache Thrift, provide robust and efficient mechanisms for RPC-based communication in complex distributed systems. They offer features like load balancing, fault tolerance, and data serialization, simplifying the development and deployment of distributed applications.