


ADDs, short for American Depository Depositary Receipts, are financial instruments that represent shares of foreign companies that are traded on American stock exchanges. ADDs allow investors to buy shares of foreign companies without having to go through the complexities of investing directly in foreign markets.

What does Adds mean?

In Computer Science and technology, “Adds” refers to the arithmetic operation of addition performed on two or more numerical values. It represents the Process of combining these values to obtain their sum. The result of an addition operation is a new value that represents the total amount of the combined values.

Addition is a fundamental mathematical operation that is widely used in various technological applications. It finds applications in mathematical computations, data analysis, financial calculations, image processing, and many other areas. The concept of addition is prevalent in programming languages, where it is represented by symbols such as “+” or Operators like the plus sign (+) in most programming languages.


Addition plays a crucial role in numerous applications within the realm of technology. It finds widespread use in:

  • Arithmetic and Mathematical Operations: Addition is the cornerstone of arithmetic operations, allowing computers to perform calculations, process data, and solve complex mathematical problems efficiently.
  • Data Analysis: In data analysis, addition facilitates the aggregation and summarization of data. It enables the calculation of totals, averages, and other statistical measures, providing insights into data sets.
  • Financial Calculations: Addition is essential for financial calculations, such as budgeting, accounting, and investment analysis. It allows users to compute totals, balances, and other financial metrics accurately.
  • Image Processing: Within image processing, addition is used to blend images, merge layers, and adjust color and contrast levels. It enables the creation of composite images and the manipulation of visual content.
  • Programming: Addition is a commonly used operator in programming languages. It allows programmers to combine numerical values, concatenate strings, and perform various mathematical operations within their code.


The concept of addition has its roots in ancient mathematics. The earliest known written records of addition operations date back to around 1800 BCE in Babylonian clay tablets. The Babylonians utilized a base-60 numeral system and developed a Method for adding and subtracting large numbers.

Throughout history, various civilizations have developed their own methods for performing addition. The ancient Greeks introduced the concept of place value and used a base-10 numeral system, making addition easier to compute. The Romans developed a system of Roman numerals, which, while not as efficient as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, was still widely used for centuries.

The modern concept of addition, along with the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, was introduced to Europe in the 13th century by Arabic mathematicians. This system revolutionized mathematical calculations, making addition and other arithmetic operations more accessible and efficient.

Over time, the development of computers and calculators further accelerated the use of addition in technology. Computers can perform addition operations at extremely high speeds, enabling complex calculations and large-scale data analysis. The widespread availability of calculators has also made addition an indispensable tool for everyday use.