
The Windows Command Prompt utility TLIST, or Task List, is used to display a list of currently running processes on a Windows system. This command is particularly useful for system administrators and developers to monitor and manage system processes. It provides details such as process IDs, which can be used in conjunction with other commands to manage system resources effectively.


The basic syntax for using the TLIST command is as follows:

TLIST [options]


Here are the most commonly used options for TLIST:

  • /m [module]: Displays all tasks that have loaded the specified module. If no module is specified, displays all modules loaded by each task.
  • /?: Displays help at the command prompt, including all of the command’s options.


  1. List all running processes:


    This command will display all currently running processes with details such as process ID, image name, and memory usage.

  2. List tasks that have loaded a specific module:

    TLIST /m kernel32.dll

    This example filters the tasks to show only those that have loaded the kernel32.dll module, which is common in many applications and critical for debuggers.

Common Issues

  • Performance Overhead: Running TLIST frequently on a system with many processes might cause a slight performance overhead. Use this command judiciously in production environments.
  • Permission Denied: You might face permission issues accessing certain process information unless TLIST is run with elevated privileges. Right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator” to avoid this.


TLIST can be used in conjunction with other commands for more powerful process management. For example:

FOR /F "tokens=1" %i IN ('TLIST ^| FIND /I "notepad"') DO TASKKILL /PID %i

This integrates TLIST with TASKKILL to terminate all instances of Notepad by getting their process IDs through TLIST and passing them to TASKKILL.

  • TASKKILL: Used for ending tasks based on process IDs or image names.
  • TASKLIST: Displays detailed information about computer tasks, including process ID and memory usage.
  • TASKMGR: Opens Task Manager, which can give a graphical view of currently running applications and processes.

Visit Microsoft’s official documentation for Windows commands for further information and updates.