PHP to sort an array by date


// Array of dates
$dates = array(

// Sort the array by date

// Print the sorted array
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';



  1. Create an array of dates.
  2. Use the sort() function to sort the array by date. The sort() function will sort the array in ascending order by default.
  3. Print the sorted array.

How to implement it effectively:

  • Use the strtotime() function to convert dates to timestamps. This can be useful if you need to sort dates that are stored as strings.
  • Use the usort() function to sort the array using a custom comparison function. This can be useful if you need to sort the array by a specific field, such as the year, month, or day.
  • Use the array_multisort() function to sort the array by multiple fields. This can be useful if you need to sort the array by multiple criteria, such as the date and the time.