XRDML File – What is .xrdml file and how to open it?


XRDML File Extension

XRDML Data File – file format by PANalytical

XRDML (XRDML Data File) is a file extension developed by PANalytical. It is used to store X-ray diffraction data in a structured and extensible format, enabling data exchange and analysis between different software applications and platforms.


XRDML (X-ray Diffraction Markup Language) is an XML-based file format specifically developed for storing and exchanging X-ray diffraction (XRD) data. It is widely used within the scientific community for the analysis and interpretation of XRD measurements. The XRDML format provides a standardized and comprehensive way to represent XRD data, including diffractograms, peak lists, crystallographic information, and experimental metadata.

XRDML files are typically generated by XRD analysis software, such as those provided by PANalytical, Bruker, and Rigaku. The data contained in XRDML files can be used for various purposes, including phase identification, crystal structure analysis, and quantitative analysis. The use of XRDML ensures interoperability between different software packages and facilitates the sharing and collaboration of XRD data.

Using PANalytical Software

To open XRDML files using PANalytical software, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have the necessary PANalytical software installed, such as X’Pert HighScore or X’Pert Powder.
  2. Launch the software and navigate to the “File” menu.
  3. Select “Open” and browse to the location of the XRDML file.
  4. Click on the “Open” button to import the XRDML data into the software.

The software will now have the XRDML data imported, and you can proceed with data analysis, visualization, and other operations.

Using Third-Party Software

If you do not have PANalytical software or prefer to use third-party software, you can consider the following options:

  1. Python: You can use the PyXRD library to read and manipulate XRDML files.
  2. Java: The JADE software suite from Materials Data, Inc. can open and process XRDML files.
  3. Web-based tools: Some online services, such as the Crystallography Open Database, provide tools for viewing and analyzing XRDML files.

When using third-party software, ensure compatibility with the XRDML file format and refer to the specific software documentation for instructions on opening and working with XRDML data.

XRDML File Format

XRDML (X-ray Diffraction Markup Language) is a standardized data format for representing X-ray diffraction data. It was developed by PANalytical, a leading manufacturer of X-ray diffraction instruments, and is widely used in the field of materials science. XRDML files contain information about the sample being analyzed, the experimental parameters used to acquire the data, and the results of the analysis. This data includes the X-ray diffraction pattern (intensity vs. diffraction angle), information about the crystal structure of the sample, and other relevant metadata.

XRDML files are XML-based, which makes them easy to read and write using standard XML tools. This also facilitates the integration of XRDML data with other software applications. XRDML files are typically used for archiving and sharing diffraction data, as well as for performing further analysis and visualization. They also form the basis for the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) database, the most comprehensive collection of X-ray diffraction data available.

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