XOL File – What is .xol file and how to open it?


XOL File Extension

Swiss Map Overlay – file format by swisstopo

XOL (Swiss Map Overlay), developed by swisstopo, is a file extension for geographical data overlays used in Swiss maps. It contains additional information that enhances the standard map data, providing more detailed and specific information for various purposes like hiking trails or public transportation.

Understanding XOL Files

XOL (Swiss Map Overlay) files are a proprietary format used by Swiss Top, the Swiss Federal Office of Topography. They contain georeferenced overlay data for use with Swiss topographic maps, providing additional information or visualization enhancements. XOL files typically consist of vector graphics, such as lines, polygons, and annotations, which can be superimposed on the main map data. They are commonly employed by hikers, cyclists, and other outdoor enthusiasts to overlay relevant information, such as hiking trails, bike paths, or points of interest.

XOL File Structure

XOL files are XML-based, which allows for structured and flexible data storage. They follow a predefined schema that defines the various elements and attributes used to represent the overlay data. The root element of a XOL file is <overlays> which contains one or more <overlay> elements. Each <overlay> element represents a specific layer of data within the overlay file. It includes attributes such as visibility, styling, and a reference to the actual data, which is stored in a separate file with a .XOLC extension. The .XOLC files contain the actual vector graphics data and are typically encoded in a binary format for efficiency.

Understanding XOL Files

XOL (Swiss Map Overlay) is a proprietary file format used by swisstopo, the Swiss Federal Office of Topography. These files contain geographical data, including topographic maps, aerial imagery, and other overlays. They are commonly used by hikers, climbers, and other outdoor enthusiasts to plan and navigate their adventures.

Opening XOL Files

To open XOL files, you need an application that supports the format. One option is SwissMap Mobile, a free mobile application available for iOS and Android devices. This app allows you to view XOL files, zoom in and out, and switch between different layers. Another option is SwissMap Online, a web-based mapping application that allows you to open XOL files directly in your browser. Both of these options provide a user-friendly interface for viewing and interacting with XOL files.

Format and Usage of XOL Files

XOL (Swiss Map Overlay) files are a proprietary format developed by swisstopo, the Swiss Federal Office of Topography. They are used to overlay additional information onto topographic maps, such as hiking trails, bike paths, and points of interest. XOL files contain geographic data in vector form, including line segments, polygons, and points. They are typically used in conjunction with swisstopo’s own mapping software, such as SwissMap Mobile and SwissMap Web, but can also be opened and viewed with other GIS software programs.

Advantages and Applications of XOL Files

XOL files offer several advantages over traditional raster-based map overlays. First, they are highly detailed and scalable, allowing users to zoom in and out without losing resolution. Second, they are vector-based, which means that they can be easily edited and updated. Third, XOL files support transparency, allowing users to overlay them on top of other maps or images without obscuring the underlying data. These advantages make XOL files ideal for a wide range of applications, including outdoor recreation, navigation, and land planning.

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