XHTM File – What is .xhtm file and how to open it?


XHTM File Extension

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document – file format by N/A

XHTM is a markup language that combines the features of HTML 4.01 and XML 1.0. It is a reformulation of HTML 4.01 in XML syntax, and is designed to be a valid XML document. XHTM is a stricter and more rigorous version of HTML, and it requires all elements to be properly nested and closed.

XHTM File Format

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language used to create web pages. It is a stricter version of HTML and is based on XML. XHTML files are saved with the .XHTM or .XHTML file extension.

XHTML was developed in response to the need for a more structured and extensible version of HTML. HTML, which is a markup language based on SGML, was not designed to be extensible. This limited its ability to be used for a variety of applications. XHTML, on the other hand, is based on XML, which is a more flexible and extensible language. This makes XHTML more suitable for use in a variety of applications, including mobile devices and e-commerce websites.

One of the main advantages of XHTML over HTML is its support for modularity. XHTML files can be divided into smaller modules, which can be reused in other documents. This makes it easier to create and maintain complex websites. Additionally, XHTML is more compatible with other XML-based technologies, such as XSLT and XForms.

Opening XHTM Files: Common Applications and Methods

XHTM files, as Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Documents, are web pages written using the XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) standard. Since XHTM is a variant of HTML, it can be opened using web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. To open an XHTM file using a web browser, simply drag and drop the file onto the browser’s window or select the “File” menu and choose “Open File.” The XHTM file will then be rendered and displayed as a web page.

Alternative Ways to View XHTM Files

In addition to web browsers, XHTM files can also be opened using text editors such as Notepad, TextEdit, and Sublime Text. Text editors provide a simple and lightweight environment for viewing and editing XHTM code. To open an XHTM file in a text editor, right-click on the file and select “Open with” or “Edit with,” and then choose the desired text editor from the list. The XHTM code can then be viewed and edited within the text editor.

XHTML Document Format

XHTML, abbreviated for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language that conforms to the stricter XML (Extensible Markup Language) syntax. Unlike HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), which allows for lenient formatting, XHTML requires documents to be strictly validated against XML schemas. This ensures greater interoperability, accessibility, and search engine optimization for web pages. By adhering to XML syntax, XHTML documents can utilize the benefits of XML tools for automated processing, data validation, and styling.

XHTM File Structure and Usage

XHTM files are text files that utilize the XML syntax, following a hierarchical structure of elements and attributes. Elements define the structure of the document, while attributes provide additional information about the elements. XHTML documents typically start with an XML declaration, followed by the root element , which contains the head and body sections. The head section includes metadata, such as the page title, language, and author, while the body section contains the actual content of the web page. XHTM files can be opened and viewed in any text editor or web browser that supports XML, making them accessible for editing, viewing, and sharing web content.

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