WEBMANIFEST File – What is .webmanifest file and how to open it?


WEBMANIFEST File Extension

Progressive Web Application Manifest – file format by W3C

The WEBMANIFEST file (Progressive Web Application Manifest) is a JSON file that contains metadata about a web application, such as its name, description, icons, and startup URL. It allows developers to create a custom installation experience for their web apps, and to make them discoverable in app stores.

WEBMANIFEST File: Definition and Structure

A WEBMANIFEST file is a JSON file that defines metadata and configuration for progressive web applications (PWAs). It provides information about the application’s display, behavior, and functionality. The file is stored in the root directory of the PWA’s website and provides a way for browsers to discover and configure the application.

The WEBMANIFEST file contains various properties that describe the PWA, including its name, description, icons, and background color. It also specifies the scope of the application, which determines the parts of the website that the PWA can access. Additionally, the file can define the default orientation of the PWA, its theme color, and its display mode when installed on a device.

WEBMANIFEST File: Benefits and Use Cases

By providing a central location for defining PWA metadata, the WEBMANIFEST file offers several benefits. It enables the browser to provide a consistent and seamless experience for PWA users, regardless of the device or platform. The file also allows the PWA to be easily installed and managed by the user, as it provides the necessary information for display and configuration in the operating system.

WEBMANIFEST files are particularly valuable for developers who want to create PWAs that offer a native-like experience on mobile devices and desktops. By defining the necessary metadata in the WEBMANIFEST file, developers can ensure that their PWA is displayed and behaves consistently in different browsers and devices, providing a high-quality user experience.


A WEBMANIFEST file is a text file that contains metadata about a progressive web application (PWA). It is used by browsers to determine how to install and display the PWA. To open a WEBMANIFEST file, you can use a text editor such as Notepad, TextEdit, or Sublime Text. You can also use a browser to view the file, but this will not allow you to edit it.

Using a Text Editor

To open a WEBMANIFEST file in a text editor, simply double-click on the file. This will open the file in your default text editor. You can then view and edit the contents of the file. When you are finished editing the file, save it and close the text editor.

Using a Browser

To open a WEBMANIFEST file in a browser, drag and drop the file onto the browser window. This will open the file in the browser’s inspector. You can then view the contents of the file, but you will not be able to edit it.

What is a WEBMANIFEST File?

A WEBMANIFEST file is a JSON file that provides information about a web application to the browser. This information includes the application’s name, description, icons, start URL, and other metadata. The WEBMANIFEST file is used by browsers to create a consistent user experience for web applications, regardless of whether they are installed or not.

How to Create a WEBMANIFEST File

To create a WEBMANIFEST file, you will need to use a text editor or a JSON editor. The file should be named “manifest.webmanifest” and placed in the root directory of your web application. The following is an example of a simple WEBMANIFEST file:

"name": "My Web App",
"short_name": "My App",
"description": "A simple web app",
"icons": [
"src": "/icon.png",
"sizes": "192x192",
"type": "image/png"
"start_url": "/",
"display": "standalone"

Benefits of Using a WEBMANIFEST File

There are several benefits to using a WEBMANIFEST file, including:

  • Improved user experience: The WEBMANIFEST file helps to create a consistent user experience for web applications, regardless of whether they are installed or not.
  • Increased discoverability: The WEBMANIFEST file can be used by search engines to index web applications, making them more discoverable.
  • Easier installation: The WEBMANIFEST file can be used to make it easier for users to install web applications on their devices.

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