WEBARCHIVE File – What is .webarchive file and how to open it?


WEBARCHIVE File Extension

Safari Web Archive – file format by Apple

WEBARCHIVE is a Safari Web Archive file extension developed by Apple. It encapsulates an HTML document along with its supporting files into a single package, providing a complete snapshot of a webpage for offline viewing or archiving purposes.

Definition and Structure:

A .WEBARCHIVE file, also known as a Safari Web Archive, is a special file format created by Apple’s Safari web browser. It is designed to encapsulate an entire web page, including its HTML content, images, stylesheets, scripts, and multimedia, into a single archived file. This allows users to preserve and access a specific web page even if it becomes unavailable or changes in the future.

The .WEBARCHIVE file structure utilizes the WARC (Web ARChive) format, an open standard for archiving web content developed by the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC). WARC stores web resources and their metadata in a standardized manner, enabling researchers, historians, and archivists to preserve and analyze web content over time. The .WEBARCHIVE file format extends WARC by including additional information specific to Safari, such as browser settings and plugins used to access the archived web page.

Opening a WEBARCHIVE File

A WEBARCHIVE file is a container that stores a complete web page, including HTML code, images, and other resources. It is typically created using Apple Safari’s “Save As Web Archive” feature. To open a WEBARCHIVE file, you will need an application that can decompress and extract the contents of the archive.

One option is to use Safari itself. Simply drag and drop the WEBARCHIVE file onto the Safari window, and it will automatically extract and display the web page. Another option is to use a third-party application such as The Unarchiver (Mac) or 7-Zip (Windows). These applications can decompress the WEBARCHIVE file and extract the individual files, which you can then view using appropriate applications.


WEBARCHIVE files are Safari Web Archive files created by Apple’s Safari web browser. They encapsulate an entire web page, including its HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other resources. WEBARCHIVE files serve as a time capsule, preserving the website’s content exactly as it appeared when the archive was created. This allows users to access the page offline or revisit it later, even if the original website is no longer available or has been modified.

Advantages and Applications

WEBARCHIVE files offer several advantages. They are a valuable resource for researchers, historians, and students, as they provide a snapshot of websites at a specific point in time. They are also useful for individuals who want to archive important or memorable web pages for future reference. Additionally, WEBARCHIVE files can be used to troubleshoot website issues by providing a comparison point between the archived version and the current version.

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