VHDL File – What is .vhdl file and how to open it?


VHDL File Extension

VHDL Source File – file format by N/A

VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems. It is used to describe the behavior and structure of digital circuits and systems. VHDL files have the extension “.vhd” and contain the source code for VHDL designs.

VHDL File: Concept and Usage

A VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) file, with the extension .VHDL, is a text file that describes the architecture and behavior of digital circuits using the VHDL programming language. VHDL is widely used in electronic design automation (EDA) to design and simulate electronic systems, ranging from simple logic gates to complex field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).

VHDL files contain a hierarchical structure, allowing for the decomposition of designs into smaller, manageable modules. These modules can represent various hardware components, such as logic blocks, registers, and memories. By combining these modules, engineers can create intricate digital circuits with ease. VHDL enables the precise specification of both the static structure and dynamic behavior of the circuit, including its timing and data flow.

Opening VHDL Files with Text Editors

VHDL files can be opened and edited using any text editor. Popular choices include Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Atom. These editors provide basic features such as syntax highlighting and auto-completion, but may lack specialized VHDL-specific features. For more advanced editing and debugging capabilities, consider using an integrated development environment (IDE).


IDEs designed for VHDL development, such as ModelSim and Vivado, offer a comprehensive suite of tools for editing, compiling, simulating, and debugging VHDL code. These IDEs provide advanced functionalities like hierarchical design management, waveform viewers, and testbench generation. They also integrate with version control systems, enabling collaborative development and code management.

VHDL File: Structure and Syntax

A VHDL source file is a text file that contains VHDL code. VHDL code is used to describe the behavior of digital circuits and systems. The file has a specific structure and syntax that must be followed in order for the code to be compiled and executed.

The first part of a VHDL file is the library declaration. This declaration specifies the libraries that are used in the code. The next part of the file is the entity declaration. The entity declaration specifies the interface of the circuit or system that is being described. The third part of the file is the architecture declaration. The architecture declaration specifies the implementation of the circuit or system.

Applications of VHDL Files

VHDL files are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Digital circuit design: VHDL is used to describe the behavior of digital circuits, such as gates, flip-flops, and registers.
  • FPGA and ASIC design: VHDL is used to describe the behavior of FPGAs and ASICs, which are used to implement digital circuits.
  • System-on-a-chip (SoC) design: VHDL is used to describe the behavior of SoCs, which are integrated circuits that combine multiple digital circuits on a single chip.
  • Test and verification: VHDL is used to test and verify the behavior of digital circuits and systems.

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