VCW File – What is .vcw file and how to open it?


VCW File Extension

eMbedded Visual C++ Workspace File – file format by Microsoft

VCW is a Microsoft-developed file extension used for eMbedded Visual C++ Workspace files. It stores project settings, source files, and other project-related information for use by the eMbedded Visual C++ development environment.

Definition and Usage

A VCW file is an eMbedded Visual C++ Workspace File associated with Microsoft’s Visual C++ development environment, specifically used for embedded systems development. It stores workspace configuration data, including project references, build settings, and toolchain options, allowing the developer to manage multiple projects within a single workspace. VCW files enable a streamlined development workflow, allowing the user to easily switch between projects and maintain a consistent build environment.

Structure and Compatibility

The VCW file format follows a proprietary binary structure and is designed to be compatible with specific versions of Visual C++. Different versions of the IDE may use slightly different file formats, so it is recommended to use the appropriate version of Visual C++ to open and edit VCW files. By default, VCW files are stored in the workspace folder alongside the associated project files, but they can be copied or moved to a different location if desired.

Opening VCW Files

VCW files are workspace files associated with Microsoft’s eMbedded Visual C++ (eVC++) development environment, used for creating and managing eVC++ workspaces. To open a VCW file, you must have eVC++ installed on your system. Double-clicking the VCW file will typically launch eVC++ and automatically open the workspace. Alternatively, you can manually open a VCW file within eVC++ by selecting “File” -> “Open Workspace” from the main menu.

Additional Information

VCW files contain references to project files (.vcproj), configuration files (.vcproj.filters), and other related files associated with a specific eVC++ workspace. Opening a VCW file allows you to quickly access and manage all the projects and settings within that particular workspace, making it convenient for working on multiple projects simultaneously or for switching between different configurations. When you open a VCW file, eVC++ loads all the necessary files and displays a list of projects contained within the workspace, along with their current settings and build status.

Visual C++ Workspace File (VCW)

A .VCW file is a text file that contains project and workspace settings for the Visual C++ integrated development environment (IDE). It includes information such as the project’s name, location, and configuration options. The .VCW file also contains references to the project’s source files, header files, and other resources.

Benefits of VCW Files

VCW files offer several benefits for developers. First, they provide a central repository for all project settings, making it easier to manage and share projects. Second, they allow developers to quickly switch between different configurations of the same project, such as debug and release builds. Third, VCW files can be used to create project templates, which can save developers time when creating new projects.

VCW File Structure

A .VCW file is structured into sections, each of which contains specific information about the project. The main sections of a .VCW file include:

  • Project settings: This section contains information about the project’s name, location, and configuration options.
  • Project references: This section contains references to the project’s source files, header files, and other resources.
  • Workspace settings: This section contains information about the workspace, such as the default build configuration and the location of the output files.

Other Extensions