UUE File – What is .uue file and how to open it?


UUE File Extension

Uuencoded File – file format by N/A

UUE (Unix-to-Unix Encoding) is a file format used to encode binary data into a text format for transmission over email or other text-based channels. It was developed by David H. Crocker in 1982.

UUE File Format

A UUE file is a text file that contains encoded binary data. UUE stands for “Unix to Unix Encoding” and was developed in the early days of the internet as a way to transfer binary files over email, which only supports text messages. UUE encoding converts binary data into a text format by breaking it into 45-byte blocks and representing each block as a 60-character line of text. The encoded text includes information about the original file name, permissions, and size.

To encode a binary file into UUE format, the following steps are performed:

  1. The file is divided into 45-byte blocks.
  2. Each block is converted into a 60-character line of text using a special encoding scheme that represents binary data as printable characters.
  3. The encoded lines are prefixed with a header that contains information about the original file name, permissions, and size.

To decode a UUE file, the following steps are performed:

  1. The header is parsed to extract information about the original file name, permissions, and size.
  2. The encoded lines are decoded into their original 45-byte blocks using the same encoding scheme that was used to encode them.
  3. The blocks are concatenated to form the original binary file.

Opening UUE Files on Different Operating Systems

UUE (Unix-to-Unix Encoding) files are encoded text files that were commonly used for transferring binary files over email in the early days of the internet. To open UUE files, the following steps can be taken:

  • Windows: Several methods are available to open UUE files on Windows. One option is to use a dedicated UUE decoder software, such as WinUUE or UUE.exe. These programs decode the UUE file and save the original binary file to a specified location. Alternatively, UUE files can be decoded using command-line tools like the “uudecode” command, which is available in the Cygwin or MSYS2 environments.

  • MacOS: macOS users can open UUE files using the Terminal application. By navigating to the directory containing the UUE file in Terminal and running the “uudecode” command followed by the file name, the UUE file can be decoded and the original binary file extracted.

  • Linux: Similar to macOS, Linux systems have the “uudecode” command built into the operating system. By opening a terminal window and navigating to the UUE file’s directory, the “uudecode” command can be used to decode and extract the binary file. Alternatively, graphical file managers like Nautilus or Dolphin may have the option to decode UUE files with a right-click context menu.

UUE (Unix-to-Unix Encoding) is a file encoding format used to represent binary data in ASCII text form. It was developed in the early days of the internet, when binary data could not be transmitted directly over text-based networks like UUCP. UUE encodes binary data by converting it into a string of printable ASCII characters. This allows the data to be transmitted over text-based networks without corruption.

UUE encoding is performed by splitting the binary data into blocks of 45 bytes. Each block is then converted into a line of 60 ASCII characters. The first character in each line is a ‘+’ character, which indicates that the line contains encoded data. The remaining 59 characters in the line represent the encoded data. The end of the encoded data is indicated by a line that contains a single ‘+’ character.

UUE decoding is the inverse of UUE encoding. It takes a line of 60 ASCII characters and converts it into 45 bytes of binary data. The first character in the line must be a ‘+’ character. The remaining 59 characters in the line represent the encoded data. The decoded data is then appended to the output file.

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