UST File – What is .ust file and how to open it?


UST File Extension

UTAU Sequence Text File – file format by UTAU

UST (UTAU Sequence Text File) is a file format developed by UTAU, a freeware vocal synthesizer, to store musical data such as notes, lyrics, and timing information. It enables users to create and edit vocal tracks using UTAU’s vocal synthesizing engine.

UST File Definition

A UST file is a text-based file format that stores musical data for use in UTAU, a free and open-source singing synthesizer software. It contains instructions that define the melody, lyrics, and vocal parameters of a synthesized voice. UST files enable users to create and edit vocal tracks, allowing for precise control over the timing, pitch, and expression of the synthesized voice.

Structure and Features

UST files are organized into sections, each of which serves a specific purpose. The header section contains general information about the file, such as the song title and tempo. The voice section specifies the voicebank and parameters used for the vocal synthesis. The track section contains the actual musical data, including the lyrics, note information, and various control parameters.

UST files provide extensive control over the vocal synthesis process. They allow users to adjust the pitch, duration, and volume of individual notes, as well as add vocal effects such as vibrato and pitch bends. Additionally, UST files support the use of phonetic symbols to specify the pronunciation of lyrics, ensuring accurate and natural-sounding vocals. By combining these features, UST files empower users to create expressive and detailed vocal tracks for use in various musical genres and applications.

Opening UST Files

UST files, or UTAU Sequence Text Files, are text-based files that contain musical performance data for use with the UTAU software. They store information such as note timing, pitch, and lyrics for a specific song. To open a UST file, you can use the UTAU software, which is a free and open-source vocal synthesizer.

When opening a UST file in UTAU, the software will load the file and display the musical performance data in a graphical editor. You can then edit the data, such as adjusting note timing or changing the pitch of a note. Additionally, you can add or remove lyrics to the file. Once you have finished editing the UST file, you can save it and use it to play back the song using UTAU.

In addition to UTAU, there are a few other software programs that can open UST files. However, these programs may not offer the same level of editing functionality as UTAU. If you are looking for a way to open and edit UST files, the official UTAU software will be your best choice.

UST File Format Overview

The UST file format is a text-based format used to store song data in the UTAU singing synthesizer software. It contains information such as lyrics, melody, timing, and instrument settings. UST files are essential for creating and editing songs using UTAU, enabling users to define the vocal performance and arrange the musical accompaniment.

UST File Structure

UST files consist of several sections, each representing a different aspect of the song data. The “Header” section contains general information such as the song title, artist, and tempo. The “Lyric” section contains the lyrics of the song, along with their corresponding timing information. The “Note” section contains the musical notes, including their pitch, duration, and dynamics. The “Instrument” section defines the instrument to be used for each note. Additionally, UST files can include sections for tempo changes, time signatures, and other settings that affect the song’s playback.

Other Extensions