TVPI File – What is .tvpi file and how to open it?


TVPI File Extension

TitanTV Television Listing File – file format by Decisionmark

TVPI (TitanTV Television Listing File) is a file extension developed by Decisionmark for storing television listings data. It contains TV show information such as program titles, times, and channels, enabling users to easily access and manage their TV viewing schedule.

Definition of TVPI File

A TVPI file, standing for TitanTV Television Listing File, is a file format used to store television program listings. It was developed by Decisionmark, a company specializing in television data and advertising technologies. TVPI files are commonly used by electronic program guides (EPGs) and other applications that display TV listings on devices such as televisions, set-top boxes, and mobile phones.

Features and Functionality

TVPI files contain detailed information about television programs, including the program title, airtime, channel, genre, description, and parental ratings. They are structured in a hierarchical format, allowing for easy navigation and retrieval of program data. TVPI files also support the inclusion of images, such as program logos or promotional stills, to enhance the user experience. This makes them a comprehensive resource for managing and displaying TV listings.

What is a TVPI File?

A TVPI file is a television listing file created by Decisionmark’s TitanTV software. It contains a list of TV shows and their associated metadata, such as the channel, date, time, program description, and parental rating. TVPI files are used to generate electronic program guides (EPGs) that are displayed on TV screens and other devices.

How to Open a TVPI File

To open a TVPI file, you will need a program that supports the TVPI file format. Some popular programs that can open TVPI files include:

  • TiVo Desktop Plus
  • SageTV
  • MediaPortal

Once you have installed one of these programs, you can simply double-click on the TVPI file to open it. The program will then import the TV listings into its database and display them on your screen.

Additional Information

TVPI files are typically generated by TitanTV’s programming data feed, which is available as a subscription service. Once you have subscribed to the service, you can download the latest TV listings and convert them into TVPI files using TitanTV’s software. TVPI files can also be manually created using a text editor, but this is not recommended as it is a complex and time-consuming process.

File Structure of TVPI Files

TVPI files employ a hierarchical structure to organize television listing data. They consist of multiple sections, each containing specific types of information such as channels, programs, and schedules. The file begins with a header section that provides metadata about the file, including the version and generation time. Following the header is a channel section that lists all the available channels, each identified by a unique ID and accompanied by attributes such as call sign, channel number, and broadcast area.

Parsing and Compatibility

TVPI files are primarily used by software applications that aggregate and manage television listings. These applications typically parse the file, extracting the channel and program information and displaying it in a user-friendly format. The TVPI file format has broad compatibility with various television listing software and services. Its wide adoption stems from its comprehensive data structure and the ease with which it can be parsed and processed. Additionally, TVPI files are often compatible with EPG (Electronic Program Guide) systems, allowing for seamless integration and distribution of television listings.

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