TT2 File – What is .tt2 file and how to open it?


TT2 File Extension

Microsoft Temporary Font Installation File – file format by Microsoft

TT2 is a Microsoft Temporary Font Installation File used to store temporary font files during the installation process. It ensures that fonts are correctly installed and available for use in various applications.

TT2 File Format

A TT2 file, short for Microsoft Temporary Font Installation File, is a temporary storage format used by Microsoft Windows for installing TrueType fonts (TTF). It is an intermediary file used during the font installation process, containing the necessary information to install and activate the font in the system. TT2 files are typically created and used by applications like the Windows Font Installer, and they serve as a means to temporarily cache font data before it is permanently added to the Windows font repository.

Installation Process

When installing a TrueType font using a TT2 file, the following process takes place:

  1. The TT2 file is created and stored in a temporary location on the system.
  2. The Font Installer reads the data from the TT2 file and extracts information about the font, such as its name, style, size, and other characteristics.
  3. Based on the extracted information, the Font Installer creates a permanent representation of the font within the Windows font repository, typically in the Fonts folder.
  4. Once the installation is complete, the TT2 file is no longer needed and is usually deleted from the system.

What is a TT2 File?

A TT2 file is a Microsoft Temporary Font Installation File. It’s utilized by Microsoft Windows operating systems to store temporary font information during installation or deletion. TT2 files contain font data, such as glyph outlines and character mapping, and are crucial for ensuring proper font display and printing.

Opening a TT2 File

TT2 files can’t be directly opened or viewed like other file types. They are temporary files that Windows uses solely during font installation or uninstallation. Typically, Windows automatically handles the processing of TT2 files, and users don’t need to interact with them directly. However, in certain rare cases, such as when troubleshooting font issues, you may need to manually delete a TT2 file. This can be accomplished by navigating to the Windows Temp folder (usually located at %temp%) and deleting the relevant TT2 file.

Definition and Purpose

A TrueType 2 Font (TT2) file is a temporary font file used by Microsoft Windows to store font information during installation. It serves as an intermediary between the original font file and the permanent font file that is ultimately installed into the system. TT2 files are created when users preview or install new fonts, and are typically deleted once the installation process is complete.

Structure and Contents

TT2 files are structured in a way that allows for efficient storage and retrieval of font information. They consist of a header section followed by a data section. The header section contains information about the font, such as its name, version, and copyright. The data section contains the actual font data, including glyphs, outlines, and kerning information. TT2 files may also include additional metadata, such as license terms and font usage permissions.

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