TN2 File – What is .tn2 file and how to open it?


TN2 File Extension

Tiny Medium Resolution Image – file format by Atari

TN2, developed by Atari, is a file extension associated with Tiny Medium Resolution Image (TMR) format, used for low-resolution graphics in Atari ST computers. It offers 16 colors and a resolution of 160×200 pixels.

TN2 File Format

The TN2 file format is an image file format developed by Atari for use with low-resolution graphics on its Atari 8-bit family of home computers, including the Atari 400/800, Atari XL, and Atari XE. TN2 files are typically used for storing sprites and other small images in video games and other applications.

TN2 files use a simple uncompressed raster format. Each pixel in the image is represented by a single byte, with a value ranging from 0 to 255. The color palette for TN2 images is limited to 16 colors, which are defined in a header at the beginning of the file. The maximum resolution for TN2 images is 320×200 pixels.

Opening TN2 Files with Atari ST Emulators:

To open TN2 files associated with Atari, you will need to use an emulator that simulates the Atari ST hardware and software environment. Popular emulators include Hatari, Steem, and Aranym. Once you have installed the emulator, you can open TN2 files by dragging and dropping them onto the emulator window or by using the emulator’s “Open File” or “Browse” option to locate and select the files.

Alternative Tools for TN2 Conversion:

If you do not have an Atari ST emulator installed, you can consider using alternative tools to convert TN2 files into more common image formats. One option is to use a file converter website or software, which can typically convert TN2 files into formats like JPG, PNG, or BMP. Additionally, you can try using graphics editing software with support for various image formats. For example, Adobe Photoshop or GIMP can open and convert TN2 files into other image formats.

TN2 File Format (Tiny Medium Resolution Image)

TN2 files, associated with the Atari ST and TT personal computers, store images in a proprietary Tiny Medium Resolution (TMR) format. TMR is a low-resolution raster graphics format primarily used for storing and displaying images on Atari machines due to their limited memory and processing power. TN2 images typically have a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels and support 4-bit color (16 colors). They are characterized by their compact size, allowing for efficient storage and transfer.

Technical Details of the TN2 Format

TN2 files consist of a simple header followed by the pixel data. The header contains information such as the image’s width and height, color depth, and a palette. The pixel data is stored as a linear array, where each pixel is represented by a 4-bit value referencing the palette. The TN2 format does not support any compression or transparency. Due to its simplicity, TN2 images are easy to decode and display on Atari computers. However, the format’s limitations prevent it from storing high-quality or complex images.

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