TMLANGUAGE File – What is .tmlanguage file and how to open it?


TMLANGUAGE File Extension

TextMate Language Grammar File – file format by MacroMates

TMLANGUAGE is a file format used by the TextMate code editor to define custom language grammars. It allows users to create their own syntax highlighting rules and other language-specific features for different programming languages and file types.

Structure and Purpose of TMLANGUAGE Files

TMLANGUAGE files are XML-based files that define the syntax highlighting and code completion behavior for specific programming languages within the TextMate editor. They play a crucial role in enabling TextMate to recognize and color-code different elements of code, such as keywords, comments, and strings. These files contain a set of rules that specify how each language’s syntax should be interpreted and displayed. TMLANGUAGES consist of a hierarchy of scopes, each of which represents a distinct element of the language’s grammar. Scopes can be nested to create more complex rules, and each scope can have its own set of styling attributes, such as color, font, and indentation.

Customization and Extensibility

TMLANGUAGE files allow users to customize the appearance and behavior of syntax highlighting for specific languages. This customization extends beyond color schemes and fonts to include the ability to define custom snippets, key bindings, and even custom commands. By modifying TMLANGUAGE files, users can tailor the editor’s behavior to their specific preferences and workflows. Additionally, the extensibility of TMLANGUAGE files enables developers to create custom language definitions for languages that are not natively supported by TextMate. This allows users to expand the editor’s functionality and support a wide range of programming languages and technologies.

Opening TMLANGUAGE Files with TextMate

TMLANGUAGE files, also known as TextMate Language Grammar Files, are plaintext files that define the syntax and features of a specific programming language or file type. These files are used by TextMate, a popular code editor for macOS, to provide advanced syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and other editor features tailored to the specific language.

To open a TMLANGUAGE file in TextMate, simply double-click on the file. TextMate will automatically recognize the file type and load it into the editor. Once loaded, the language grammar defined in the TMLANGUAGE file will be applied to any open files that match the language specification.

Opening TMLANGUAGE Files with Other Editors

TMLANGUAGE files can also be opened and edited with other text editors, such as Sublime Text or Atom. However, these editors may not provide the same level of support for TMLANGUAGE features as TextMate. For example, syntax highlighting and autocompletion may not work as expected. To overcome this, you can install the TMLanguage plugin for these editors, which provides support for TMLANGUAGE files.


TMLANGUAGE files are not executable files and cannot be run directly. They are designed to be used as language grammars within a code editor like TextMate.

TMLanguage File Format

A TMLanguage file is a text file that defines the syntax and grammar rules for a particular programming language or file format. It enables text editors, such as TextMate or Sublime Text, to understand the structure and tokens of the language, allowing for syntax highlighting, code completion, and other context-aware features. TMLanguage files are written in a declarative JSON-based format, making them both human-readable and machine-parsable.

Structure of a TMLanguage File

A TMLanguage file consists of a series of rules and patterns that define the structure of the language. These rules include definitions for keywords, operators, comments, and other language elements. The patterns specify the regular expressions that match these elements in the code. The file may also contain scopes, which define hierarchical levels of syntax and allow for nesting and inheritance of rules. By combining rules, patterns, and scopes, TMLanguage files provide a comprehensive grammar for the target language, enabling text editors to understand and interpret the code accurately.

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