TARGETS File – What is .targets file and how to open it?


TARGETS File Extension

MSBuild Targets File – file format by Microsoft

TARGETS is a file extension used by MSBuild, a build automation tool developed by Microsoft. It contains targets, which are sets of instructions that specify the tasks to be performed during a build process.

Definition of a TARGETS File

A TARGETS file, also known as an MSBuild Targets File, is a type of XML-based file that defines targets for an MSBuild project. Targets are used to specify a set of actions that MSBuild will perform when a specific event occurs during the build process. The TARGETS file is an integral part of the MSBuild build system, which is used to automate the building of software projects in Microsoft Visual Studio and other software development environments.

Structure and Contents of a TARGETS File

The TARGETS file typically contains a collection of targets, each of which is defined by a unique identifier. Targets can be either implicit or explicit. Implicit targets are built-in targets that are automatically executed by MSBuild, while explicit targets are user-defined targets that can be invoked explicitly within the build process. Each target consists of a sequence of tasks, which are specific actions that MSBuild performs. Tasks can be defined within the TARGETS file or imported from external files. Additionally, the TARGETS file can include other XML elements, such as properties, items, and conditions, which provide additional configuration information for the build process.

Using a Text Editor

TARGETS files are plaintext files that contain MSBuild targets, which are instructions for building software projects. To open a TARGETS file, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad, TextEdit, or Sublime Text. Simply open the file in the editor and you will be able to view and edit its contents.

Using Visual Studio

If you have Visual Studio installed, you can also open TARGETS files in the IDE. To do this, open Visual Studio and click on the “File” menu. Then, select “Open” and navigate to the TARGETS file you want to open. Visual Studio will open the file in the editor pane and you will be able to view and edit its contents.

TARGETS File Structure and Usage

A TARGETS file in MSBuild is an XML-based file that defines the targets and tasks to be executed during the build process of a software project. Targets are logical groupings of tasks, while tasks are the individual actions that perform specific operations. TARGETS files are used in conjunction with project files (.proj) to define the build process.

The structure of a TARGETS file includes a root node named “Project”, which contains one or more “Target” nodes. Each “Target” node specifies a unique name and a set of “Task” nodes. The “Task” nodes define the specific actions to be performed, such as compiling code, copying files, or running unit tests. The order of the “Target” and “Task” nodes determines the sequence of execution during the build process.

Advanced Features and Considerations

TARGETS files support advanced features such as conditions and properties. Conditions allow specific targets or tasks to be executed only if certain conditions are met, providing flexibility and control over the build process. Properties are used to store and retrieve values that can be used throughout the build, enabling the sharing of information between different targets and tasks.

It’s important to note that TARGETS files can be imported into other TARGETS files, allowing for modularity and code reuse. Additionally, MSBuild supports the use of custom targets, which can extend the functionality of the build system by defining additional tasks or modifying existing ones.

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