SUBLIME-SETTINGS File – What is .sublime-settings file and how to open it?



Sublime Text Settings File – file format by Jon Skinner

.SUBLIME-SETTINGS is a file extension for a settings file used by Sublime Text, a text and code editor. It stores various settings and configurations related to the editor’s behavior, preferences, and appearance, allowing users to customize their editing environment.


A SUBLIME-SETTINGS file (Sublime Text Settings File) is a plain text file used to store user preferences and settings for the Sublime Text text editor. It allows users to customize various aspects of the editor, including the appearance, behavior, and functionality of the program. The settings are stored in a hierarchical structure, with each setting having a unique key and value.


SUBLIME-SETTINGS files are typically located in the following directories:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text\(version)\User
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text\(version)/User
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text\(version)/User

Users can create and edit SUBLIME-SETTINGS files using any text editor, but it is recommended to use Sublime Text’s built-in Preferences > Settings – User menu to modify the settings more easily. The changes made in the SUBLIME-SETTINGS file are applied immediately, providing users with instant feedback on the customization they have made.

Opening Sublime Text Settings File

Sublime Text settings are stored in JSON format within files with the extension .SUBLIME-SETTINGS. To open these files, follow these steps:

  1. In Sublime Text: Navigate to the “Preferences” menu and select “Settings”. This will open the default settings file.
  2. In File Explorer/Finder: Locate the settings file in the Sublime Text user data folder. On Windows, this is typically C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User. On macOS, it is ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User.

Customizing Sublime Text Settings

Once opened, the settings file can be customized to modify various aspects of Sublime Text’s behavior. These settings include:

  • Preferences: General preferences such as font size, theme, and tab behavior.
  • Key Bindings: Custom keyboard shortcuts to improve workflow.
  • Syntax Specific Settings: Language-specific configurations such as code highlighting, indentation, and autocompletion.

To make changes, simply modify the JSON values and save the file. Note that incorrect JSON syntax may cause Sublime Text to fail to load the settings file, so it is important to ensure that the file is properly formatted.

Sublime Text Settings File (.SUBLIME-SETTINGS)

The .SUBLIME-SETTINGS file is a plain text file used to store Sublime Text editor’s configuration settings. It is typically located in the “User” directory of the Sublime Text installation folder and contains a variety of settings that control the editor’s behavior, appearance, and functionality. These settings include options for syntax highlighting, keybindings, themes, and more. Users can customize their Sublime Text experience by modifying the .SUBLIME-SETTINGS file to suit their preferences.

Syntax and Structure

The .SUBLIME-SETTINGS file follows a JSON syntax, which uses a combination of key-value pairs and nested objects. The structure of the file is based on a hierarchical system, with the root object representing the main configuration category and sub-objects representing specific settings within that category. For example, the “color_scheme” setting is nested within the “syntax” category, and it determines the color scheme that is applied to the editor’s syntax highlighting.

Customizing Sublime Text

By modifying the .SUBLIME-SETTINGS file, users can personalize their Sublime Text environment to enhance their workflow. For instance, they can change the font size and type, adjust the keybindings for specific commands, or enable additional plugins to extend the editor’s functionality. The settings file allows users to tailor the editor to their specific needs and preferences, creating a more efficient and productive coding experience.

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