SUBLIME-PACKAGE File – What is .sublime-package file and how to open it?



Sublime Text Package File – file format by Jon Skinner

A SUBLIME-PACKAGE file extension is a package file used by Sublime Text, a cross-platform source code editor. It contains settings, key bindings, snippets, and other customization data that can be installed to enhance the functionality of the editor.

SUBLIME-PACKAGE Files: Description and Structure

A SUBLIME-PACKAGE file is a compressed archive (.zip) that contains a collection of customized settings, syntax definitions, snippets, and other enhancements for Sublime Text, a popular code editor. These packages allow users to extend the functionality of Sublime Text and personalize their coding experience.

The file structure of a SUBLIME-PACKAGE is typically hierarchical, with the root directory containing a manifest file (manifest.json) that specifies information about the package, such as its name, version, and description. The package may also contain subdirectories that organize different types of customizations, such as syntax files, key bindings, and menus.

Installation and Management

SUBLIME-PACKAGE files can be installed by simply copying them into Sublime Text’s Packages directory. Once installed, the package’s contents will become available within the editor. Users can manage installed packages through Sublime Text’s Package Control feature, which provides a graphical interface for browsing, searching, and managing packages. Package Control also offers a command palette for quickly installing and updating packages from a repository.

By leveraging SUBLIME-PACKAGE files, users can easily share and extend the capabilities of Sublime Text, enhancing their coding efficiency and creating a customized and optimized editing environment.

Opening Sublime Text Package Files

Sublime Text Package Files (.SUBLIME-PACKAGE) are compressed archives used to bundle plugins, themes, and other customizations for Sublime Text, a popular code editor. These package files enable users to easily install and manage extensions, enhancing the functionality of Sublime Text.

To open a .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file, users can double-click the file in Windows or macOS. This will activate the built-in Package Installer in Sublime Text, which allows users to preview and install the package. Alternatively, users can manually install the package by copying it to the Packages directory located in the Sublime Text installation folder. Once installed, the package’s contents become accessible within Sublime Text’s Preferences menu or through key bindings.


A SUBLIME-PACKAGE file is a compressed ZIP archive that contains the files and metadata necessary for a Sublime Text package. The file structure typically includes the following:

  • Main.sublime-settings: Defines various settings and configurations for the package.
  • Package.sublime-manifest: Includes metadata about the package, such as its name, version, author, and description.
  • Other Files: May include additional code files, UI elements, images, or documentation related to the package’s functionality.

The ZIP archive is compressed using the XZ algorithm, which provides high levels of compression while maintaining file integrity. This compression allows for reduced file sizes, making it easier to download and manage packages.

Installation and Usage

SUBLIME-PACKAGE files are used to install and manage packages in Sublime Text. To install a package, simply drag and drop the file into the Sublime Text window or navigate to the Package Control menu > Install Package > Browse Packages to manually select the file. Once installed, the package will be available in the Packages menu within Sublime Text.

Users can customize the installed packages by modifying the Main.sublime-settings file, which contains various settings and options. These settings can be adjusted to suit the user’s preferences and workflow. Additionally, packages can provide custom key bindings, color schemes, syntax highlighting, and other features to enhance the user experience.

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