SUBLIME-OPTIONS File – What is .sublime-options file and how to open it?



Sublime Text Options File – file format by Jon Skinner

A plain text file used for storing preferences and settings for Sublime Text, a cross-platform text and source code editor. These files contain key-value pairs that define various editor options and settings.

Definition and Purpose

A SUBLIME-OPTIONS file is a plain text configuration file used by the Sublime Text code editor. It contains user-defined settings and preferences that customize the editor’s behavior, including appearance, keyboard shortcuts, and syntax highlighting. The file allows users to tailor Sublime Text to their specific preferences and needs.

Structure and Syntax

The SUBLIME-OPTIONS file follows a JSON-like syntax with key-value pairs. Keys represent settings and preferences, while values are their corresponding options. The file is structured hierarchically, using indents to organize settings into sections and subsections. Comments can be added using the double forward slash notation (//). By default, Sublime Text creates a SUBLIME-OPTIONS file in the application’s user data directory, and users can create additional files for different projects or workspaces. The file is parsed at startup, and the specified settings are applied to the editor’s interface and functionality.


SUBLIME-OPTIONS files are plain text files used to store configuration settings for the Sublime Text text editor. To open a SUBLIME-OPTIONS file, follow these steps:

  1. Open Sublime Text.
  2. Navigate to the “Preferences” menu.
  3. Select “Settings – User” (or “Settings – Default” to edit the default settings).

This will open the SUBLIME-OPTIONS file in the editor. You can then edit the file to change the settings.


SUBLIME-OPTIONS files are JSON-formatted text files. This means that they are structured in a hierarchical manner, using braces ({}) and brackets ([]) to define objects and arrays. Each setting is represented by a key-value pair, where the key is the name of the setting and the value is the setting’s value.

When editing a SUBLIME-OPTIONS file, it is important to follow the correct JSON syntax. Otherwise, the file may not be parsed correctly by Sublime Text. For example, the following setting sets the font size of the editor:

"font_size": 12

To save your changes, press Ctrl + S (or Cmd + S on Mac).

Structure and Content

A SUBLIME-OPTIONS file is a text-based file that stores user-specific settings and configurations for the Sublime Text code editor. It allows users to customize the editor’s appearance, behavior, and functionality to suit their preferences. The file is typically located in the user’s configuration directory, such as ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User (on Linux) or ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User (on macOS).

The file’s content is divided into sections, each corresponding to a specific aspect of the editor. Common sections include “theme”, which defines the editor’s color scheme and typography; “key_bindings”, which specifies keyboard shortcuts for various actions; and “preferences”, which contains settings related to the editor’s behavior, such as tab behavior and auto-indentation. Each section consists of key-value pairs, where the key represents a setting name and the value represents the setting’s value.

Other Extensions