SUBLIME-MENU File – What is .sublime-menu file and how to open it?


SUBLIME-MENU File Extension

Sublime Text Menu File – file format by Jon Skinner

SUBLIME-MENU is a file extension for Sublime Text Menu Files, developed by Jon Skinner. These files are used to define custom menus for Sublime Text, allowing users to tailor the editor’s interface to their specific needs.


A SUBLIME-MENU file is a plain text file that defines a menu for the Sublime Text editor. It uses a simple hierarchical syntax to organize menu items into submenus, allowing users to create custom menus that suit their specific needs and workflows. SUBLIME-MENU files provide a convenient way to consolidate frequently used commands, snippets, and macros into a single, easily accessible menu.

Customization and Features

The syntax of a SUBLIME-MENU file is straightforward and intuitive. Menu items can be organized into nested submenus using indentation, and each item can be assigned a specific command or action. Additionally, SUBLIME-MENU files support various customization options, such as keyboard shortcuts, icons, and descriptions, enabling users to personalize their menus and enhance their editing experience.

Sublime Text Menus (.SUBLIME-MENU Files)

Sublime Text, a cross-platform text editor, utilizes .SUBLIME-MENU files to define custom menus. These files contain menu definitions in JSON format, enabling users to modify and enhance the editor’s menu system. The contents of a .SUBLIME-MENU file typically include menu item entries with properties such as label, command, and key bindings. Using these files, users can create custom menus and commands, streamline workflows, and tailor the editor interface to their specific preferences.

Opening .SUBLIME-MENU Files

.SUBLIME-MENU files can be opened and edited using Sublime Text. To open a menu file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the File: Navigate to the directory where the .SUBLIME-MENU file is stored.
  2. Open Sublime Text: Launch Sublime Text on your computer.
  3. Open File: Select “File” from the top menu bar and click on “Open.”
  4. Choose File Type: In the file browser, select “All Files” from the dropdown menu to display all file types.
  5. Select Menu File: Browse to and select the desired .SUBLIME-MENU file.

Once the file is opened in Sublime Text, you can view, edit, and save the menu definitions. Users can create new menu items, modify existing ones, and configure keybindings to suit their requirements. By utilizing custom .SUBLIME-MENU files, Sublime Text users can create personalized and efficient text editing environments.


A Sublime Text Menu File (.SUBLIME-MENU) is an XML-based file that defines custom menu items within the Sublime Text editor. It allows users to extend the default menu bar with additional commands, shortcuts, and other actions. The file contains a collection of menu definitions, each consisting of a label, a command, and optional attributes such as icons or keyboard shortcuts. By creating and importing .SUBLIME-MENU files, users can personalize and enhance the functionality of the editor to suit their specific workflows.

Customization and Extensibility

The .SUBLIME-MENU file format provides a versatile platform for customizing the Sublime Text menu structure. Users can add new menu items, organize them into submenus, and create nested menus to cater to complex needs. By leveraging the XML syntax, it allows for easy editing and modification. This extensibility empowers users to tailor the editor’s menu bar to their preferred layout, optimizing productivity and streamlining their daily coding routines. The ability to share .SUBLIME-MENU files also facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing within development teams, promoting consistency and efficiency across projects.

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