STORY File – What is .story file and how to open it?


STORY File Extension

Storyist Document – file format by Storyist Software

STORY is a file extension for Storyist Document, a proprietary format developed by Storyist Software for their writing application, Storyist. It’s designed to store and organize writing projects, including chapters, notes, characters, and research materials.

STORY File Format

A STORY file is a document format created by Storyist, a software designed for writers to organize and compose their writing projects. It serves as a container for storing the various elements of a writing project, including text, notes, characters, locations, and other story-related information. STORY files are known for their flexibility and robust features that cater specifically to the needs of writers.

Key Features and Purpose

One of the key features of STORY files is their ability to structure a writing project into acts, scenes, and beats, enabling writers to visualize and organize their story’s narrative arc. The format also supports nested hierarchies, allowing writers to create complex outlining and organizational structures to keep track of multiple storylines and characters. STORY files include customizable metadata fields, character profiles, research notes, and a comprehensive keyword system, enabling writers to seamlessly tag and search their writing materials. These features collectively aim to enhance the writing experience by providing a structured and organized environment for writers to develop and refine their story ideas.

What is a STORY File?

A STORY file is a document created using Storyist, a writing and outlining software for Mac and iOS. It contains text, formatting, and structural elements such as scenes, acts, and chapters. STORY files are used to organize and develop novels, screenplays, and other types of written works.

How to Open a STORY File:

To open a STORY file, you must have Storyist installed on your computer or iOS device. Once installed, you can open STORY files by double-clicking on them in the Finder (Mac) or Files app (iOS). Alternatively, you can open STORY files from within Storyist by clicking on the “File” menu and selecting “Open.”

Additional Notes:

  • If Storyist is not installed, you can download a free trial from the Storyist website.
  • STORY files can also be exported to other formats such as PDF, DOCX, and FDX.
  • Storyist is a commercial software, but there is a free version with limited features available for download.

STORY File Extension

The .STORY file extension is associated with Storyist Document, a proprietary file format used by Storyist, a word processing and outlining application designed for writers, particularly novelists, screenwriters, and playwrights. STORY files contain a variety of text, formatting, and metadata, including chapters, scenes, characters, notes, and research materials. They also support collaboration and revision tracking, allowing multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously.

Storyist Document files are used to create and organize writing projects effectively, providing a structured and customizable workspace that streamlines the writing process. They allow writers to easily outline their stories, develop characters, manage research, and track their progress. STORY files are typically saved in a hierarchical structure, with chapters and scenes organized under a project file. They can be exported to various formats, such as PDF, DOCX, and HTML, for sharing and printing. By utilizing the .STORY file extension, writers can efficiently structure and manage their writing projects within the Storyist application.

Other Extensions