SNAPPY File – What is .snappy file and how to open it?


SNAPPY File Extension

Snappy Compressed File – file format by Google

SNAPPY is a fast, lossless compression format developed by Google to efficiently store large datasets. It offers high compression ratios with low computational overhead, making it suitable for big data processing and storage applications.

Definition and Usage

A SNAPPY file is a compressed file that utilizes the SNAPPY compression algorithm, developed by Google. It is primarily designed for high-performance data processing and storage. The SNAPPY algorithm employs fast and efficient techniques to reduce file sizes while maintaining data integrity. SNAPPY files are commonly used for compressing a wide range of data formats, including web pages, logs, and database entries.

Technical Details

The SNAPPY compression algorithm operates on input data by identifying and replacing common sequences with shorter representations. This process, known as run-length encoding, significantly reduces the overall size of the file. Unlike some compression methods that prioritize extreme compression ratios, SNAPPY strikes a balance between compression efficiency and speed. It performs compression and decompression operations quickly, making it suitable for applications that require real-time processing or where fast access to data is crucial.

Opening SNAPPY Files with Python

SNAPPY, short for Scalable Non-Architecture Preserving Priority Queue, is a fast compressed data format developed by Google. It is widely used in Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop ecosystems for efficient data storage and transfer. To open SNAPPY files in Python, you can use the snappy library.

import snappy

Read a SNAPPY file

data = snappy.compress(“Hello, world!”)

Decompress the data

decompressed_data = snappy.decompress(data)

Print the decompressed data


Opening SNAPPY Files with C++

Alternatively, you can use the C++ API to open SNAPPY files. The following code snippet demonstrates how to read and decompress a SNAPPY file using the snappy library in C++:




int main() {
// Open the SNAPPY file
std::ifstream inputfile(“snappyfile.snappy”, std::ios::binary);

// Read the compressed data from the file
std::string compresseddata;
file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
inputfile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
input[0], compresseddata.size());

// Decompress the data
std::string decompresseddata;
snappy::Uncompress(compressed, compresseddata.size(), &decompresseddata);

// Print the decompressed data
std::cout << decompressed_data << std::endl;

return 0;

Snappy Compression Algorithm

Snappy is a fast and highly efficient lossless data compression algorithm designed by Google. It is optimized for speed and low resource consumption, making it particularly suitable for real-time data processing and streaming applications. Snappy is an open-source algorithm and has been used in various projects, including Apache Hadoop, HBase, and Cassandra.

SNAPPY File Format

A SNAPPY file is a compressed file that follows a specific file format. It typically consists of a header followed by compressed data. The header contains information such as the Snappy version, the size of the uncompressed data, and a checksum. The compressed data is encoded using the Snappy algorithm, which utilizes a combination of Huffman encoding and a copy buffer to achieve high compression ratios with minimal computational overhead. SNAPPY files are often used for storing large amounts of data in a compressed form, allowing for more efficient storage and faster data transfer.

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