SML File – What is .sml file and how to open it?


SML File Extension

ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File – file format by ESRI

SML (ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File) is a text file that contains a series of commands used to automate tasks in the ARC/INFO geographic information system software developed by ESRI. These commands can perform a variety of tasks, such as creating new maps, editing existing maps, and performing analysis on spatial data.

Definition and Usage

An SML file, also known as ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File, is a text-based file format used in the ESRI ARC/INFO Geographic Information System (GIS) software. SML files contain a series of macro commands that automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows within the GIS environment. These commands are written in a structured language that combines logic, data manipulation, and graphics operations.

SML files enable users to create custom tools, extend the functionality of ARC/INFO, and perform complex spatial analyses with greater efficiency. By leveraging SML’s scripting capabilities, GIS professionals can automate processes such as data conversion, feature selection, and map production. Additionally, SML files provide a platform for sharing and distributing reusable GIS workflows, allowing users to collaborate and streamline their work.

Software Compatibility

To open an SML file, you need a suitable software application that supports the ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language file format. One of the most common programs used to open SML files is ESRI ArcInfo, a GIS software suite that allows users to view, edit, and analyze spatial data. Other compatible software includes ESRI ArcGIS Pro, a newer version of ArcInfo, and MapInfo Professional, a GIS software designed for mapping and spatial analysis.

Opening SML Files

To open an SML file in ESRI ArcInfo, navigate to the file in the ArcCatalog window, right-click on it, and select “Open with” > “Text Editor.” This will launch the built-in text editor within ArcInfo, allowing you to view and edit the SML code. In ESRI ArcGIS Pro, you can open an SML file by selecting “Add Data” > “Data from Path” and browsing to the file. ArcGIS Pro will automatically recognize the SML file format and add it to your project. Similarly, in MapInfo Professional, you can open an SML file by dragging and dropping it into the Map window or by using the “File” > “Open” menu.

SML File Format and Usage

An SML file is a text file that contains a series of commands written in the Simple Macro Language (SML). SML is a macro language developed by ESRI for use with their ARC/INFO software. SML macros can be used to automate repetitive tasks, such as importing data, creating maps, or performing analysis. SML files are typically named with the extension “.SML”.

SML macros are made up of a series of statements. Each statement begins with a keyword, followed by a series of parameters. The parameters specify the action to be performed and the data to be used. For example, the following SML statement imports a data file into ARC/INFO:

IMPORT DATA "myfile.dat"

SML macros can be run from the ARC/INFO command prompt or from a batch file. To run an SML macro from the command prompt, type the following command:

sml macro_name

where “macro_name” is the name of the SML file.

Advantages of Using SML Files

There are several advantages to using SML files to automate tasks in ARC/INFO. First, SML macros can save time by automating repetitive tasks. Second, SML macros can help to improve accuracy by eliminating errors that can occur when tasks are performed manually. Third, SML macros can make it easier to share procedures with other users.

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