SLI File – What is .sli file and how to open it?


SLI File Extension

OMSI Spline Configuration File – file format by MR Software

SLI File Extension (OMSI Spline Configuration File): A text file format used by OMSI, a bus simulator game, to define the path that a bus follows on a map. It contains commands and parameters that specify the position, rotation, and speed of the bus at specific points along the path.

SLI File Overview

An SLI file is a Spline Configuration File used by OMSI, a bus simulation software developed by MR Software. It defines the paths and routes that buses will follow within the simulated environment. SLI files contain a series of spline points, which are connected to form a continuous path. These points determine the position, direction, and speed of buses as they traverse the virtual roads.

SLI File Structure and Features

SLI files are plain text files that follow a specific syntax. They typically include information such as the name of the route, the starting and ending points of the path, and the coordinates of each spline point. Additionally, SLI files can include parameters that control how buses move along the path, such as the maximum speed, acceleration, and deceleration rates. These files play a crucial role in creating realistic and immersive bus simulations, as they allow users to design intricate and varied routes for buses to navigate in the virtual environment.

Understanding SLI Files

SLI files are specialized text-based files that contain configuration settings for splines in OMSI, a popular bus simulation game. Spline configurations define the paths that vehicles follow within the game’s virtual environments, ensuring realistic and accurate movement. These files determine the curvature, speed, and various other parameters that govern the movement of objects along the splines.

Opening SLI Files in OMSI

To open SLI files in OMSI, users can follow these steps:

  1. Locate the SLI File: Navigate to the folder where the SLI file is located, typically within the game’s installation directory or in the “Splines” subfolder.
  2. Identify the Editor: Within OMSI, access the “Spline Editor” from the main menu or the “Tools” tab.
  3. Import the SLI File: In the Spline Editor, select “File” > “Import” from the menu. Browse and select the desired SLI file to import its configuration into the editor.
  4. Edit the Spline: Once the SLI file is imported, users can adjust and modify the spline configuration using the editing tools provided in the Spline Editor. These tools allow for tweaking curvature, adding objects, and customizing other parameters to fine-tune the behavior of vehicles along the spline.
  5. Save the Changes: After making desired modifications, select “File” > “Save” to save the changes back to the original SLI file or create a new one.

SLI File Format

An SLI file is a spline configuration file used by OMSI, a bus simulator game. It contains data that defines the shape and behavior of splines, which are virtual paths that vehicles follow in the game. SLI files are essential for creating realistic and engaging bus routes, as they allow for the precise placement of vehicles along roads and tracks.

The SLI file format is a text-based format that uses a hierarchical structure to organize data. The file begins with a header section that contains general information about the spline, such as its name, length, and orientation. This is followed by a series of sections that define the individual segments of the spline, including their length, curvature, and transition points. Additionally, SLI files can contain optional data such as speed limits, stop points, and traffic signals, which further enhance the realism and gameplay of OMSI.

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