SKEIN File – What is .skein file and how to open it?


SKEIN File Extension

Skein XML File – file format by N/A

The SKEIN (Skein XML File) file extension is associated with Skein XML, an XML-based format that defines the exchange of clinical metadata between different healthcare systems. Primarily used for healthcare interoperability, it allows for the secure and standardized sharing of patient information among healthcare providers.

SKEIN File Format

A SKEIN file is a data format used to represent protein structures. SKEIN files are written in XML and are used to store information about the amino acid sequence of a protein, its secondary structure, and its tertiary structure.

SKEIN is an abbreviation for “Structure Knowledge Enrichment and Integration Network”. The SKEIN file format was developed by the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to provide a standardized and extensible way to represent protein structures. SKEIN files are used by a variety of software applications for analyzing and visualizing protein structures.

The SKEIN file format is divided into five main sections: “Protein List”, “Structure List”, “Geometry List”, “Constraint List”, and “Comment Section”. The Protein List section contains information about the amino acid sequence of the protein. The Structure List section contains information about the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein. The Geometry List section contains information about the atomic coordinates of the protein. The Constraint List section contains information about the constraints that are used to define the structure of the protein. The Comment Section contains information about the provenance of the file and any other relevant information.

Opening SKEIN Files: Software Compatibility

SKEIN files, Skein XML Files, are predominantly associated with the Skein XML software. This application, developed by N/A, is primarily used for creating and editing XML documents. As SKEIN files are standardized XML formats, they can also be opened and viewed with other XML editors and word processors like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer.

Additional Options for Opening SKEIN Files

If you encounter difficulties opening SKEIN files with the aforementioned methods, alternative options include:

  • Online XML Viewers: Several online XML viewers, such as XML Viewer and XML Grid, allow you to upload and view SKEIN files directly from your browser.
  • Text Editors: While not ideal for editing purposes, basic text editors like Notepad or TextEdit can open SKEIN files and display the XML content in a readable format.
  • File Conversion: Consider converting SKEIN files to a more accessible format like TXT or JSON using online tools or third-party software.

SKEIN File Format

A SKEIN XML File is a digital document that uses the Skein XML format for storing information. It is an open-source XML-based format designed specifically for electronic medical records (EMRs). SKEIN XML is widely used in the healthcare industry for exchanging and storing clinical data. The format provides a standardized way to represent medical information, ensuring interoperability and portability between different healthcare systems.

The SKEIN XML format is based on the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and incorporates additional features tailored for EMRs. It includes a rich set of clinical data elements, such as patient demographics, diagnoses, medications, procedures, and laboratory results. The format also supports advanced features like structured templating, document annotations, and electronic signatures. SKEIN XML files can be used for various purposes, including recording patient encounters, generating clinical summaries, and exchanging data between healthcare providers.

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