SIGNATURE File – What is .signature file and how to open it?


SIGNATURE File Extension

e-Filing Digital Signature File – file format by Government of India

SIGNATURE is a digital signature format developed by the Government of India for electronic filing. It ensures the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents by verifying the identity of the sender and the content of the message.

Definition and Purpose

A SIGNATURE file is a specialized digital signature file format introduced by the Government of India specifically for e-filing purposes. It serves as a digital representation of an individual’s physical signature and is used to electronically sign and authenticate e-filed documents. The SIGNATURE file is generated using a digital certificate, which is an electronic document that contains the holder’s identity, public key, and other relevant information.

Function and Usage

The SIGNATURE file is an integral part of the e-filing process in India. It is typically created by the e-filing software using the user’s digital certificate. The SIGNATURE file contains the digital signature, which is a unique cryptographic hash of the e-filed document encrypted with the user’s private key. When the e-filed document is submitted to the government website, the SIGNATURE file is attached to it. The government website verifies the SIGNATURE file using the user’s public key and checks if the digital signature is valid. If the verification is successful, the e-filed document is considered to be digitally signed and legally valid.

Opening SIGNATURE Files

SIGNATURE files, used for e-Filing with the Government of India, can be opened using the following steps:

  1. Install the SIGNING Utility: Download the Government of India’s SIGNING utility software from the official website ( Once downloaded, install the software by following the on-screen instructions.

  2. Generate Public-Private Key Pair: Open the SIGNING utility and select “Generate New” from the File menu. Enter a password and confirm it. The software will generate a public-private key pair, which is essential for signing electronic documents.

  3. Import the SIGNATURE File: To open a SIGNATURE file, click on “File” and select “Import SIGNATURE File.” Browse and select the desired SIGNATURE file. The software will automatically validate the file and import the associated public key into its key store.

Using the SIGNATURE File

Once the SIGNATURE file is imported, it can be used to digitally sign electronic documents, such as Income Tax or GST returns.

  1. Select the Document: To sign a document, open it in a PDF viewer or other supported application.

  2. Initiate Signing: In the PDF viewer, navigate to the “File” menu and select “Digitally Sign,” or use the dedicated signing tool provided by the application.

  3. Choose Signing Certificate: A dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose the signing certificate. Select the public key associated with the imported SIGNATURE file.

  4. Sign the Document: Enter the password created during key generation and click “Sign.” The document will be digitally signed, and the SIGNATURE file will serve as proof of the signature’s authenticity.

Purpose and Specifications

The .SIGNATURE file extension, associated with the Government of India’s e-Filing system, is a digital signature file that serves as a legal and verifiable electronic signature for online tax filings. It ensures the authenticity and integrity of the submitted documents, protecting them from tampering and unauthorized alterations. The .SIGNATURE file is generated using a certified digital signature, which is a unique cryptographic key issued by an authorized certifying authority.

Usage and Benefits

The .SIGNATURE file plays a crucial role in the electronic filing of income taxes and other related forms in India. It eliminates the need for physical signatures and enables taxpayers to complete the filing process remotely and securely. By using a digital signature, taxpayers can confidently submit their tax returns, knowing that the documents are tamper-proof and legally binding. Additionally, the .SIGNATURE file facilitates the online verification and authentication of tax-related documents, streamlining the process and enhancing transparency.

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