SHTM File – What is .shtm file and how to open it?


SHTM File Extension

HTML Server Side Include File – file format by N/A

SHTM is an HTML Server Side Include File developed by N/A. It is a text file that contains HTML code and server-side includes (SSIs). SSIs are directives that are processed by the web server before the HTML code is sent to the client.

SHTM File Format

An SHTM file, also known as a Server Side Include HTML (SHTML) file, is a web page that contains HTML code and server-side includes (SSIs). SSIs are directives that are processed by the web server before the page is sent to the client. This allows web developers to dynamically generate content on web pages, such as the current date and time, or the results of a database query.

SHTM files are similar to HTML files, but they have the .SHTM file extension instead of the .HTML or .HTM extension. This indicates to the web server that the file contains SSI directives. SSIs are typically written in the form of comments, such as:

<!--#include file=""-->

This SSI directive would include the contents of the file “” into the current page. SSIs can also be used to execute scripts, such as:

<!--#exec cmd="dir /w"-->

This SSI directive would execute the “dir /w” command on the server and display the results on the web page.

Opening SHTM Files: Basics

SHTM files are HTML Server Side Include (SSI) files. SSI is a feature supported by web servers that allows dynamic content to be included in static HTML pages. These files are not directly accessible by users like regular HTML pages. Instead, they are processed by the web server to generate the final HTML output. To open an SHTM file, you require a web server that supports SSI.

Technical Process and Tools

To open an SHTM file, a web server that supports SSI is necessary. The web server will process the SHTM file and replace any SSI directives with the corresponding dynamic content. Once the processing is complete, the web server will generate the final HTML output. To view the resulting HTML page, you can use a standard web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. It’s important to note that SHTM files are typically not intended for direct viewing; they are primarily used for web development purposes. To work with SHTM files, you may also need specialized text editors or development tools that support SSI syntax.

SHTM File Format

SHTM files are HTML Server Side Include (SSI) files that combine HTML content with SSI directives to create dynamic web pages. SSI directives are processed by the web server before sending the page to the client, allowing for customization and inclusion of dynamic content. The SHTM file format supports a range of directives, including those for including external files, executing server-side scripts, and controlling the behavior of the page. SHTM files are often used to create web pages with dynamic headers, footers, or sidebars that are shared across multiple pages.

SHTM File Applications

SHTM files play a crucial role in web development by enabling the creation of dynamic web pages without the need for complex programming. They provide a simple and efficient way to include common elements, such as navigation menus, copyright notices, or search forms, across multiple web pages. SHTM files are also used to incorporate dynamic content, such as displaying the current date or time, or generating personalized content based on user preferences. By utilizing SHTM files, web developers can create more efficient and maintainable web pages.

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