SFERA File – What is .sfera file and how to open it?


SFERA File Extension

Sfera 360° File – file format by AMA

SFER (Sfera 360° File) is a 360-degree image file format developed by AMA. It is used to store images captured by 360-degree cameras and provides a way to view and share these images in a variety of applications.

SFERA File Format

A SFERA file, also known as a Sfera 360° File, utilizes the .SFERA file extension and was created by AMA. It is a proprietary format used by Sfera Player, a software application designed for viewing and interacting with 360° images and videos. SFERA files encapsulate the visual content, along with associated metadata, such as camera orientation and geospatial data, enabling immersive navigation and exploration within the Sfera Player environment.

Applications of SFERA Files

SFERA files have numerous applications in industries ranging from real estate to travel and entertainment. They are commonly employed in virtual tours, allowing users to virtually explore properties, destinations, and experiences from the comfort of their own devices. Additionally, SFERA files are used in immersive presentations, enabling captivating storytelling and data visualization. Furthermore, they are leveraged in marketing and advertising campaigns, providing engaging content that captures attention and fosters interaction.

Opening SFERA Files using Sfera 360°

To open an SFERA file, you will need the Sfera 360° software, which is a specialized tool developed by AMA for working with spherical 360-degree images. Once you have installed Sfera 360° on your computer, you can open an SFERA file by simply double-clicking on it. The software will automatically load the file and display the spherical image within its user interface. From there, you can view, edit, and process the image using the various tools and features provided by Sfera 360°.

Other Software for Opening SFERA Files

While Sfera 360° is the primary software for working with SFERA files, there are also a few other third-party applications that can open and display these files. These include:

  • PanoramaStudio: A professional software for creating, editing, and viewing panoramic images.
  • Hugin: An open-source software for stitching and editing panoramic images.
  • ImageJ: A powerful image processing software that supports various image formats, including SFERA.

However, it is important to note that these third-party applications may not offer the same level of functionality and support for SFERA files as the official Sfera 360° software. Therefore, if you require advanced editing or processing capabilities, it is recommended to use Sfera 360°.

SFERA File Format

The SFERA file format, with the extension .SFERA, is a proprietary format developed by AMA for use in their Sfera 360° software. It serves as a container for panoramic images and metadata that facilitates the creation, storage, and manipulation of 360-degree panoramic content. SFERA files encapsulate the entire 360-degree spherical image, including all necessary information such as projection parameters, camera orientation, and lens distortion. This comprehensive approach streamlines the workflow for professionals working with panoramic imagery, simplifying processes like image stitching, perspective correction, and virtual tour creation.


SFERA files are primarily used in the field of immersive photography, where they are employed by photographers and content creators to capture and distribute 360-degree panoramic images. They have become an invaluable tool for real estate, travel, and tourism industries, enabling the creation of virtual tours and interactive presentations that offer viewers a comprehensive and immersive experience. SFERA files also find application in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) environments, providing the foundational imagery for these immersive technologies.

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