SDLXLIFF File – What is .sdlxliff file and how to open it?


SDLXLIFF File Extension

SDL Trados XLIFF Localization File – file format by SDL

SDLXLIFF is a file extension for SDL Trados XLIFF Localization Files. These files are used for localization and translation projects, and contain information such as the source text, target text, and translation status.

Definition and Purpose

An SDLXLIFF file is a localization file format specifically tailored for the SDL Trados translation platform. It is based on the XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) standard and extends it with additional features to support the advanced functionality of SDL Trados. SDLXLIFF files are used to store translated text, metadata, and project settings in a structured and manageable format. They enable efficient localization workflows and facilitate the exchange of translation data between different users and systems.

Key Features

SDLXLIFF files inherit the core features of the XLIFF format, such as the ability to represent multilingual text, tags, and formatting. However, they also include several enhancements that make them particularly suitable for use with SDL Trados. These include support for structured content, which allows for the translation of complex document structures such as tables and lists. Additionally, SDLXLIFF files provide robust support for quality assurance, including the tracking of changes, comments, and status updates. They also facilitate the reuse of previously translated content, reducing the time and effort required for localization projects.

SDL Trados Studio

SDL Trados Studio is a professional translation software suite that can open and edit SDLXLIFF files. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing, translating, and reviewing localization projects. To open an SDLXLIFF file in SDL Trados Studio, simply drag and drop the file into the Studio window, or use the File > Open menu.

Once the file is open, you can view the source text, target text, and translation status of each segment. You can also use the Studio tools to edit, review, and manage the translation project. SDL Trados Studio is a powerful tool for professional translators, and it is the recommended way to open and edit SDLXLIFF files.

Other Applications

There are a few other applications that can open SDLXLIFF files, but they may not provide the same level of support as SDL Trados Studio. These applications include:

  • Oxygen XML Editor: A free and open-source XML editor that can open and view SDLXLIFF files.
  • memoQ: A commercial translation software suite that can open and edit SDLXLIFF files.
  • Transifex: A cloud-based translation platform that can open and view SDLXLIFF files.

However, these applications may not provide the same level of support for SDLXLIFF files as SDL Trados Studio, so it is recommended to use Studio for professional translation projects.

SDL Trados XLIFF Localization File (SDLXLIFF)

SDLXLIFF (SDL Trados XLIFF Localization File) is a widely used file format in the localization industry. It is based on XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format), an OASIS standard for exchanging localized data. SDLXLIFF extends XLIFF with additional features and functionality specific to SDL Trados products.

SDLXLIFF files contain structured data that represents localized content. They include information such as source text, target text, annotations, terminology, and more. SDL Trados products leverage SDLXLIFF to facilitate efficient translation workflows. Translators can work on SDLXLIFF files using SDL Trados Studio, a popular translation environment. SDLXLIFF also supports integration with other CAT tools and allows for seamless collaboration among translators, reviewers, and project managers.

Other Extensions