SDLPROJ File – What is .sdlproj file and how to open it?


SDLPROJ File Extension

SDL Trados Studio Project – file format by SDL

SDLPROJ is a file extension for SDL Trados Studio Project, a project file created by SDL Trados Studio, a computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool. It contains project settings, source files, target files, and other project-related data.


An SDLPROJ file is a project file created by SDL Trados Studio, a computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool used by professional translators. It stores the project’s settings, including the source and target languages, translation memories, term bases, and glossaries. SDLPROJ files contain references to the source and target files, as well as any metadata associated with the project.

Usage and Benefits

SDLPROJ files serve as central hubs for managing translation projects. They allow translators to organize their work, apply consistent settings across multiple files, and collaborate with other team members. By storing project-specific information, SDLPROJ files enhance efficiency, enabling translators to focus on the translation task itself rather than administrative details. Additionally, the file format ensures compatibility with SDL Trados Studio, allowing for seamless project transfer and collaboration.

Opening SDLPROJ Files with SDL Trados Studio

SDLPROJ files are project files created by SDL Trados Studio, a translation software suite. To open a SDLPROJ file, you need to have SDL Trados Studio installed on your computer. Once installed, you can open a SDLPROJ file by double-clicking on it or by using the File > Open menu in SDL Trados Studio.

When you open a SDLPROJ file, SDL Trados Studio will load the project and all of its associated files. The project will appear in the Project Explorer pane on the left-hand side of the SDL Trados Studio window. You can then use SDL Trados Studio to translate, review, and edit the project’s files.

Opening SDLPROJ Files in Other Applications

SDLPROJ files can also be opened in other applications, such as text editors and XML editors. However, these applications will not be able to load the project’s associated files or perform translation tasks. If you need to open a SDLPROJ file in another application, you can export the project to a different file format, such as XLIFF or TMX.

SDL Trados Studio Project (SDLPROJ)

SDLPROJ files are project files created by SDL Trados Studio, a computer-aided translation (CAT) tool developed by SDL. These files contain references to the source and target files, as well as project-specific settings such as language pairs, terminology, and translation memories. SDLPROJ files are essential for managing and tracking translation projects within Studio. They provide a structured framework within which translators can work efficiently and ensure consistency throughout the translation process.

Key Features and Benefits

SDLPROJ files offer several key features and benefits for translation professionals. They allow translators to:

  • Organize project files: SDLPROJ files keep track of all project-related files, including source and target files, reference materials, and dictionaries. This organization helps translators stay on top of complex projects and ensures that all necessary resources are easily accessible.

  • Configure project settings: SDLPROJ files enable translators to configure various project settings, such as language pairs, translation memories, terminology databases, and quality assurance rules. These settings streamline the translation process and help maintain consistency within projects.

  • Collaborate with other translators: SDLPROJ files facilitate collaboration between multiple translators working on the same project. They allow translators to easily share project settings, terminology, and translation updates, ensuring a cohesive translation workflow.

Other Extensions