SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY File – What is .scriptterminology file and how to open it?



AppleScript Script Terminology File – file format by Apple

The SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY extension is an AppleScript Script Terminology File format developed by Apple. It defines the terminology for an AppleScript script, including the commands, properties, and events that the script can use.

Definition and Purpose of SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY Files

A SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file is an AppleScript Script Terminology File that contains structured information about the commands, properties, and events of a particular application or scripting addition. It acts as a dictionary or reference guide for AppleScript users, providing detailed descriptions and usage instructions for the scripting elements.

Structure and Contents of SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY Files

SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY files are XML-based and follow a predefined structure. They typically contain the following elements:

  • Script Suite: A collection of commands, properties, and events that belong to a specific application or scripting addition.
  • Command: A specific action or task that can be performed using AppleScript.
  • Property: A characteristic or attribute of an object or application that can be accessed or modified using AppleScript.
  • Event: A notification that occurs when a certain action or change occurs within an application or scripting addition.
  • Parameter: An argument or input value required by a command or event.
  • Result: The output or data returned by a command or event.


SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY files are XML files that describe the vocabulary and syntax of AppleScript scripting additions. These files provide information about the commands, properties, events, and other elements that can be used when scripting a specific application or tool. To open a SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file on a Mac, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the AppleScript Editor application from the App Store.
  2. Launch AppleScript Editor.
  3. Click on the “File” menu and select “Open.”
  4. Navigate to the location of the SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file and select it.
  5. Click on the “Open” button.

Opening SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY Files on Windows

SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY files can also be opened on Windows using the open-source XML editor called Oxygen XML Editor. To open a SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file in Oxygen XML Editor, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Oxygen XML Editor from the official website.
  2. Launch Oxygen XML Editor.
  3. Click on the “File” menu and select “Open.”
  4. Navigate to the location of the SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file and select it.
  5. Click on the “Open” button.


A SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file is a plain text file that defines the syntax and semantics of a specific AppleScript. It contains information about the commands, properties, and events supported by the script, as well as the data types of their arguments and return values. This file enables AppleScript Editor and other AppleScript development tools to provide syntax highlighting, code completion, and other features that enhance the scripting experience.


The SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY file is structured using a hierarchical syntax that groups related script elements into sections and subsections. The main sections of the file include:

  • Suite: Defines the top-level suite or application that the script is designed to interact with.
  • Suite Commands: Lists the commands available in the suite, along with their syntax, arguments, and return values.
  • Suite Classes: Describes the classes of objects that can be manipulated by the script, including their properties and methods.
  • Suite Events: Outlines the events that can be triggered by the script, along with the information they carry.

By adhering to the SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY format, script developers can ensure that their scripts are fully documented and accessible to AppleScript development tools. This standardization facilitates seamless integration and interoperability among different AppleScript applications.

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