SBV File – What is .sbv file and how to open it?


SBV File Extension

YouTube Captions File – file format by Google

SBV (YouTube Captions File) is an extension for text files containing subtitle and caption data, developed by Google for use with YouTube videos. It stores timestamps, text, and optional speaker labels in a simple and human-readable format.

Definition of SBV Files

SBV (YouTube Captions File) is a plain text file format used to store closed captions for YouTube videos. It follows a subtitle-based markup language that aligns captions with the corresponding audio or video segments. SBV files enable creators to add synchronized text-based subtitles to their videos, enhancing accessibility and user experience for viewers.

Structure and Content of SBV Files

SBV files have a straightforward structure. Each caption entry consists of a timestamp, an optional speaker label, and the actual subtitle text. Timestamps are denoted using the format [], where ‘hh’ represents hours, ‘mm’ minutes, ‘ss’ seconds, and ‘ms’ milliseconds. Speaker labels, if included, are placed within angle brackets (< >) and indicate the speaker of the corresponding caption. The actual subtitle text appears after the timestamp and speaker label, separated by a hyphen (-).


00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:08.000
<John> - Welcome to YouTube!

This example shows a caption that starts at 5 seconds and ends at 8 seconds. The speaker is identified as “John,” and the caption text is “Welcome to YouTube!” SBV files allow for multiple time-stamped captions within a single file, enabling accurate and precise synchronization of subtitles with the video content.

How to Open SBV File Using a Text Editor

An SBV file is a plain text file that contains the captions for a YouTube video. The file is formatted in a simple text format that can be opened and edited with any text editor, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or vi (Linux). To open an SBV file in a text editor, simply double-click on the file and select the text editor you want to use.

Once the file is open in the text editor, you can view and edit the captions. The captions are formatted with a timestamp and the text of the caption. The timestamp indicates when the caption should appear on the screen and the text of the caption is the actual words that the speaker says. You can edit the captions by changing the timestamp or the text of the caption.

How to Open SBV File Using a Subtitle Viewer

In addition to text editors, there are also a number of subtitle viewers that can open and display SBV files. Subtitle viewers are specialized software programs that are designed to display subtitles for videos. Using a subtitle viewer is a more convenient way to view subtitles than using a text editor because subtitle viewers provide a more user-friendly interface and they can automatically display the subtitles on the screen when you play a video.

There are a number of different subtitle viewers available, both free and paid. Some of the most popular subtitle viewers include VLC Media Player, MPC-HC, and PotPlayer. To open an SBV file in a subtitle viewer, simply launch the subtitle viewer and then open the SBV file from within the program. Once the file is open, the subtitle viewer will automatically display the subtitles on the screen when you play a video.

SBV Files: Format and Structure

SBV (YouTube Captions File) is a plain text file format used to store closed captions and subtitles for YouTube videos. It follows a specific structure that includes timestamps and text content. Each caption is represented by a line in the file, with the timestamp indicating the starting point and the text containing the subtitle. Timestamps are expressed in milliseconds and use the following format: “hh:mm:ss.mmm,” where “hh” represents hours, “mm” represents minutes, “ss” represents seconds, and “mmm” represents milliseconds.

SBV Files: Usage and Compatibility

SBV files are primarily used in conjunction with YouTube’s captioning feature, allowing creators to add closed captions to their videos to enhance accessibility. These captions can be displayed as subtitles on the video playback screen and can be translated into multiple languages. SBV files are supported by various video editing software, making it convenient for creators to incorporate captions into their YouTube video production workflow. Additionally, SBV files are compatible with some video players that support closed captioning, enabling users to view captions when watching videos outside of YouTube.

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