SASBX File – What is .sasbx file and how to open it?


SASBX File Extension

Space Agency Sandbox File – file format by Nooleus

SASBX (Space Agency Sandbox File) is a save game format used by the game Space Agency, developed by Nooleus. It contains a compressed save state of the game, including the player’s progress, ship designs, and other data.

SASBX File Format

A SASBX file is a Space Agency Sandbox File, used by the space flight simulation game Space Agency. The file contains information about the space agency, including its name, logo, and current status. It also includes information about the agency’s missions, spacecraft, and personnel. SASBX files are used to save and load game data.

SASBX File Structure

SASBX files are XML-based files. They consist of a series of elements and attributes that define the agency’s data. The root element of a SASBX file is the <spaceagency> element. This element contains all of the other elements and attributes that define the agency’s data.

The <spaceagency> element has a number of child elements, including the <name> element, the <logo> element, the <status> element, the <missions> element, the <spacecraft> element, and the <personnel> element. The <name> element contains the name of the space agency. The <logo> element contains the path to the agency’s logo image. The <status> element contains the current status of the agency. The <missions> element contains a list of the agency’s missions. The <spacecraft> element contains a list of the agency’s spacecraft. The <personnel> element contains a list of the agency’s personnel.

Opening SASBX Files

SASBX files are spacecraft simulation files created by the Space Agency Sandbox game. They contain information about the spacecraft, its components, and its flight plan. To open a SASBX file, you will need to have the Space Agency Sandbox game installed on your computer. Once you have installed the game, you can open a SASBX file by double-clicking on it. The game will automatically load the file and begin simulating the spacecraft’s flight.

If you do not have the Space Agency Sandbox game installed on your computer, you can download it from the Nooleus website. Once you have downloaded and installed the game, you can open a SASBX file by following the steps above.

Definition and Purpose of Space Agency Sandbox (SASBX) Files

A SASBX file is a type of computer file associated with the Space Agency Sandbox (SAS) video game, developed by Nooleus. It is primarily utilized to store gameplay data and information, including mission parameters, spacecraft designs, and the current state of the game. SASBX files allow players to save their progress, share their custom creations with others, and load pre-made scenarios for extended gameplay.

Technical Specifications and Compatibility

SASBX files are text-based XML documents that conform to a specific schema defined by Nooleus. They are designed to be compatible with different platforms and versions of SAS, ensuring seamless cross-platform support. The XML structure of the files facilitates easy parsing, editing, and sharing among users, fostering a collaborative community around the game.

Other Extensions